Recaro seat base £80

Discussion in 'Car Parts For Sale' started by Ben_r1, Aug 7, 2015.

  1. When I bought my 265 the seat base was split so renault agreed to go half with me on a brand new one (£450). When I traded my meg in I did the cheeky and swapped them back over so I have a rather tidy seat base up for sale.

    I won't go as far to say its mint as there is some fabric gone fluffy on the bolster from getting in and out, if your base is split though this would be an ideal cheap fix. Without close inspection it looks new. It's the yellow coloured one. Very easy to fit just four bolts on the corners :cool:

    £80 plus £10 for postage?
  2. Can you post any pics please? Interested in a quick fix for my brothers trophy.

  3. [​IMG]
  4. Thanks Ben I've asked my brother and I'll see what he says.

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