250 Rear tyre pressure sensor doesn't work

Discussion in 'Suspension, Brakes, Wheels & Tyres section' started by dinn, Jun 14, 2014.

  1. Today rear DS tyre pressure sensor has stopped to work. In theory, should I be ready to change it, ot sometimes it is just loose connection?
  2. MicKPM

    MicKPM RSM Trader RSM Trader

    Could just be a stuck valve or a battery on its way. I'd either plan to change it or have the system disabled though.
  3. More hassle than their worth these valve based pressure sensors.
  4. i was gunning it down the motorway the other day and they all lit up and said inflate tires for motorway or something like that first time i seen it and as i slowed down it went off, weird!
  5. MicKPM

    MicKPM RSM Trader RSM Trader

    Completely agree but I believe these can be disabled from the SETTINGS menu in the clockset now (I know the parking sensors can be)
  6. MicKPM

    MicKPM RSM Trader RSM Trader

    Sounds like they may be a little on the low side and need topping up
  7. I don't have that in menu.
  8. MicKPM

    MicKPM RSM Trader RSM Trader

    No you're right, i've just been out to mine and there's no option to disable TPMS from the SETTINGS menu, only rear parking sensors. I know they can be disabled in CLIP though as I did mine at work due to a similar fault as the OP (Except mine was the NSF wheel)
  9. Guys, do you know how much it will be to replace it at Renault / local garage? I didn't all yet about it, just I wanna have idea what is the price for that pleasure.
  10. The cost of the actual sensor for a 225 was about £18 to me at trade price then you have to pay them to remove the tyre and refit then balancing it up and then they'll probably charge the it ridiculous 'diagnostics' labour charge to program them all in.
  11. 250 / 265 monitors are around £33 each ! I've bought a set for my other set of wheels
  12. So over £100 :tongueout:
  13. I called Renault UK. It seems they will help me with my issue. Car is just over 2 months after warranty.
  14. Do you know how long does it take currently to get response from Renault UK about after warranty repair?
    I was contacting Renault UK on Tuesday and so far I didn't get any reply.
    I had dispute with them nearly 3 years ago (related to another vehicle), and I remember that they contacted me on a next day.
  15. Just found out yesterday that the if you get new tyre monitors on a 250 or 265 they programme themselves to the car, reeeeeesult ! Had one fitted last night and initially it came up with the puncture warning, a mile down the road and the pressure was displayed on the dash
  16. MicKPM

    MicKPM RSM Trader RSM Trader

    That's been the case for a while when replacing individual valves.

    Minor over inflation then drive it at 30-50mph and it'll self code. Readjust tyre pressure and carry on with life.
  17. Good news for me then.
  18. I am currently waiting at Renault. Hopefully they'll sort it out free of charge.
  19. Renault UK agreed to cover 90% of bill. It will cost me £20.

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