Basically noticed in the last week that when pulled up at a junction the vibrations from the car are very loud and noisy. I've come from a Diesel bmw which was quiet as. Is this normal or is there something wrong with my car? Thanks Harry
Have you checked the engine mounts? As if they're shot (normally upper drivers side) they will make the car vibrate a bit on idle, or if you have the vibratechnics (race mounts) engine mounts they can also cause an idle shake / vibration
Agree with above, engine/gearbox mounts are the usual suspects. Also worth checking all of the exhaust mounts especially if an aftermarket system has been fitted. Don't forget it's French mate, they all have some kind of rattle/vibration, part of its character!
Thanks for the replies. Its not exhaust as I've had the whole system checked over yesterday and one mount replaced. It does have a hard pipe fitted keiron and the mount has sheered on that. Forge are currently replacing it for me. I will give the engine mounts a check tomorrow. The strange thing is under normal driving there are no vibrations at all.
The mount sheared on mine and that was vibrating so I had a custom bracket made. This stopped that vibrating only to discover that it was the engine heatshield that was vibrating at certain revs. So, you have a bit of deduction to do : hard pipe (gone) aircon pipe, heatshield etc etc. You should be able to find it with a friend on the go pedal!!
I've recently started to hear similar vibrations when at traffic light. I pve also notice a rattle when u give it the beans and release the gas- the change in speed causes some things to rattle. Can anyone give a clue as to what the mounts look like?