Rattle when shutting off engine.

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Craig_B, Mar 23, 2015.

  1. I don't get this every time I shut the car off, but sometimes I turn the car off I get a rattle/judder. To me it sounds like it's coming from the passenger side of the car low down.

    Could this be an engine mount?

    Car is on 83k 05 plate..

    Any help be great.
  2. TBH Craig, i'd be looking at simple things first like loose heat shielding etc.
    May be worth checking the bolt in the hub hasnt worked its way loose as this can rattle although it would normally be while driving.

    Do you get any vibration through the cabin at idle etc?
  3. It doesn't sound like a heat shield to me, it's quite a low rattle/judder. I'll try catch it on video.

    Hoping to get my oil change done on Sunday, so whilst it's in the jacked up I can have a little look at various bits.

    Nope, no vibration on idle.
  4. Feirny

    Feirny RSM Admin

    Exhaust, mine does it. About to change the mounts.
  5. Have a look at the heat shield for the exhaust on the passenger side rear. Bend it away from the exhaust with a small hammer. Then get somebody to rev it whilst you watch the exhaust to see if any contact is made.
  6. lower engine mount or exhaust rubbing on heatshield
  7. i have this problem as well. top engine mount was due a change and that seemed to make the noise better but still have it. i was wondering if it was a lower engine mount or gearbox mount. hopefully that's all it is
  8. My brother's 225 does this. It sounds like a bag of spanners only when you turn the car off though.

    Sounds like it's coming from around the front somewhere. Probably is a mount of some sort.

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