225 Radio speaker connector missing

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by Wido Verhoeven, Sep 11, 2023.

  1. Hello,

    I recently bought a Megane 2 rs and it has an aftermarket radio BUT the speakers never worked.

    The previous owner really made a mess of the wiring and I managed to clean everything up but the 2nd connector that goes in the radio for the speakers is completely missing

    I got some leftover wires in the trunk but i have the feeling they're original since they follow the rest of the wiring and they seem to be running through the dash

    Does anybody have an idea how I can fix this?

    Or does anyone have the wiring schematics or pictures of how it's suposed to be original?

    Thank you in advance
  2. The wiring you’ve removed from the boot looks like it had an aftermarket amplifier in there running all the speakers, that’s why none of them worked to start with and they may of removed the original 2nd plug completely as it all ran from the amp in the boot.
  3. Is the original amplifier still there? It should be in the plastic thing you see on the photos from the boot.

    If it's not there and you want to make it OEM, your best bet is to find a Megane in a salvage/scrap yard and take everything from that. So the radio (with code?), the wiring, the amplifier. It will be a right pain to get it all in the car but if it's cut up like your loom it is probably the easiest way.

    If you don't really care about OEM, fit an aftermarket radio (and amplifier) and rewire the speakers. This will probably be the easiest (and cheapest) way.

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