Had to unplug my battery to fixed my cruise control switch. But have plunged the battery back on and found I am missing my radio code and can't find it anywhere. On the upside it also fix my tyre pressures fault. Here's the codes from the side. Can anyone help?
Oops think I f**ked it. Gone out to the car to try the new code, but as soon as I switch on the radio I got ERROR, I guess I tried the wrong codes to many times. It's been almost 3 hours since I last tried. What's the time I have to wait or is it total dead.
Depends on how many times you tried the wrong code, think the time doubles for every attempt you make, leave the radio on and wait an hour or two, best thing to do is give your security code which is m539 and reg to the dealers, they'll get you your pin once you can Input your pin again
Thanks for the help. Will try the other code was the ERROR clears. if no better I will try the dealers