R26 suspension refresh and clutch/DMF replacement

Discussion in 'Megane Projects' started by ianplymouth, May 4, 2020.

  1. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Sorry mate, forgot to tell Andrew last night, i was late home after spending all day working on the car :laughing:
  2. i know reanualt sell luk clutchs..just seems odd the fitted it as oem..wasnt it valeo normally?
  3. No problem mate, at least it’s keeping you busy :tearsofjoy:
    ianplymouth likes this.
  4. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    It only takes a supply shortage for them to get parts from another source, seen it before a long time ago mind, mostly braking systems, but other stuff as well.

    I'm sure i can get one from somewhere, will look through Ebay though, if i can get a quick delivery, the one you put up is for delivery next week sometime :persevere:
  5. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    could do, there's also GSF, there next door to each other down here
  6. are they open?..euro carparts can have it in store for the 7th my end..or deliver..
  7. looks like they are shut to customers..only key workers and delivery...so i assume everyone will be the same
  8. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    not sure, but there are loads of parts places around here, i know the one i usually use is open.

    And they will deliver if i want
  9. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    I have also replaced the bearing on the drive shaft as well today, the old one was a little worn, but there wasn't any roughness to the bearing though
  10. see what you can so..and let me know how much it is,so i can put it right into your account
    on the eurocarparts site they have transmission and timing end seals..which one is it?
    if you cant get it..they will deliver next day for £5 postage...just not 100% its the right seal,as europarts dont use oem part numbers to match up to there own items.
  11. what did the gearbox mount look like?..was it worn??
  12. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Its the transmission end one, its 105mm diameter, i have the sizes so if needed i will measure it before i buy it.

    Yes the mount was a bit worn, mainly the bit underneath bit.
  13. yeah..that one on the eurocarparts site is 105mm.if you cant get it ian..i can get it next day delivery.
  14. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Okay i will see what i can do tomorrow, will let you know.
    Got a Marine job to do tomorrow, so might not get on yours tomorrow, will see :laughing:
  15. all in your own time ian!
  16. Dragging his feet a bit now isn’t he Andrew :tongueclosed:
    andrewjeffs likes this.
  17. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Hey hang on :laughing::laughing:
    I need to get his car done, so i can get mine back

    Not as much as the other guy
  18. dont worry about your car ian...i swapped it for a yugo zastava.
    It was a hard bargain with a eastern european gentelmen,with all the panels hanging off,and the front end like someones fired a shotgun at it...but when i threw in a straw donkey the deal was done.
    you can thank me later...
    manugtt likes this.
  19. you know what these work shy young lads are like mate!
  20. 48a4d00260057e465393cbafa59abfb3.jpg look at it in all its glory ian!....this is the top of the range`rally` version...features include.........um.......seats....er...steering wheel.....and in this attractive shade of beige as well.I just thought we needed to spice up your image a touch...so with this cracker..you will be the envy of all of your friends..
    manugtt likes this.
  21. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    OOOHhhh that's great, i thought i was going to be stuck with that nail :laughing::laughing:

    Mind you i have had an offer for yours (once its finished) a clod cup of coffee and a bag of jelly babies, going to grab that deal, just the coffee was the deal for me :laughing::laughing:
    andrewjeffs and manugtt like this.
  22. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    and it has steel wheels, they must double it's value
  23. It's the 45 model to Ian....that 45 raging horsepower..might be a bit to much for you...so luckily it's only running on 3 cylinders at the moment ...
  24. Came on guys, with those jokes I would want to Ian never finish the R26!:tonguewink::tonguewink:

    We always fit Luk clutch and DMF in the garage, and never had a problem.
  25. I asked my renaulttech and he said luk is oem so that explains it!
  26. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Looks like the way its going, if he keeps on ha ha ha ha
    As long as i get it done in less than a year, that should be okay :sunglasses:
    manugtt likes this.
  27. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Seal is going to be here tomorrow
    andrewjeffs likes this.
  28. well i say!...go out of my way to sort you out a flash motor..and this is the thanks i get!:tonguewink:
    manugtt likes this.
  29. yeah..was waiting 13 months for the other guy to do it!
  30. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Its not that flash at the moment :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:
    You had a good day at work, the job i was going to do today has been put off till tomorrow, did another job (real Job) today, so another ticked off of the list. :sunglasses:
  31. i am on a multi million pound apartment block doing the pet hate of all roofers..curves.Fkn architects draw nice pretty semi circles all over the fkn place,without any idea of how they can be practically waterproofed.
    I could have done 40m in the time it took me to do 10m today!...nearly 150 pieces in the gutter alone!
  32. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Ha ha ha just think of the money :laughing::laughing:
    and it kept you quite all day :relaxed:
  33. it didnt keep my quiet if you could have heard all the swearing!..first on site..last to leave!
    manugtt likes this.
  34. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    I feel for you ha ha ha
    I think i managed 3 hrs today :laughing:
  35. got to do it all again tmrow...and i have another identical one to do later!
  36. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    should be a bit quicker with the second one then :laughing::laughing:
    At least the weather is good for you, be a shit if it's pissing down, your going to end up with a great tan :laughing::laughing:

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