R26.R, no.52

Discussion in 'Megane Projects' started by Liver, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. I'm really not jealous at all of you going to the ring, not even a little bit, not at all, no green eyed monster, not even going to post about it.......BU@@ER

    Have a good time all, stay on the Black/Grey/Graffitied stuff and off the Green/Silver bits
  2. caymanr26

    caymanr26 Events Liason

    I'm sure you'll make up for any jealous feelings by opening the garage door mate!!
  3. Had a six year layoff from the 'Ring' , so will be finding my feet again. If I remember there are 2 left handers & 3 rights.:rolleyes:
  4. And all blind brows are flat!

    Getting my Lunar out for the first time this weekend. Wish i was driving to the ring in it.

    Be safe.
  5. travel insurance, AA European cover all sorted

    Went in for tracking and everything showed up as green so there were no need for any alterations.

    Car to be cleaned and packed and I'm good to go
  6. i am taking #156 to the ring in july for the first time and cannot wait, you will have to let us know how #52 preforms :smile:
  7. We need to meet up bro when I go to rstuning! I'll be staying at sollys house
  8. Sat in my hotel with a Guinness, next to the Eurotunnel, ready for my morning train. Hopefully the weather will hold out for a nice blast down to the ' ring'.
  9. #52 has been twice already and absolutely loves it, they are unreal around there

    yeah deffo mate, matts not far from me and rs is only 15 minutes away. Keep me posted

    enjoy my friend. I will be out there tomorrow night, first thing set off tomorrow morning.
  10. Well , it's pissing it down here. Like a kid in a sweet shop , had to go out as soon as I got here. Track is soaked with little streams running across it. Did have one moment , where I was going in the wrong direction( towards the Armco). Slowed down a bit after that & went back to the hotel to change my pants!
  11. Feirny

    Feirny RSM Admin

    Euro tunnel or Hull ferry?
  12. Liver, are you still running the discs from Cazan ? If so, how are you getting on with them ?
  13. Martin really likes them Rob, said their lasting well although I don't think he will be buying anything from Angel ever again mate
  14. That's not what I heard Steve. Another member on here had issues with the front discs too. . I've done one track day and less than 4k miles and the front discs are shite and the bearings have gone in the rears.
  15. He came back from spa and said they were spot on, you'll be wanting a refund then
  16. Saw you there, I was in the White .r.

    bit wet on Sunday
  17. Feirny

    Feirny RSM Admin

    Sorry I didn't get to chat to you properly on Saturday Mark! We went out as you came off, then didn't see you after that.
  18. I was on the tunnel both ways

    I like them, they gave me no problems at the ring for 4 laps and then I did a day and a half at Spa and they never missed a beat

    I saw you as well just not to talk to unfortunately. Very wet on the sunday, I only lapped once on the sunday just before the rain came.

    Saturday I lapped but it was way too busy for any decent times or to properly push on

    No worries at all, it was hectic on Saturday, the worst ive seen it for a while

    Just going through all my pics and vids and sorting things out then i'll update
  19. It's ok, sure you'll be there again soon. Got a damp/wet on Sunday with no traffic (track just opened) in 9.16. Didn't have my watch on me on the Friday or sat for the dry laps.
  20. So this weekend I visited the Ring and Spa. Set off to the Ring on Friday morning and arrived Friday evening.

    I had Saturday and Sunday to lap at the ring. Saturday was ridiculously busy. Sometimes 4/5 cars into corners, this didn't allow for any decent clear laps with traffic everywhere and crash often. I managed 3 laps on Saturday but need to check the go pro for the fastest i think it was around a 9.03.

    The Sunday was washed out, I went out for my final 4th lap just before the heavens opened, I managed to touch the grass with a wheel giving an SLS a bit too much room and from also watching the SLS a little too much in the mirror.

    Got to Spa on Monday for the MLR track day who were there already on the Monday as well and managed to get on track on a beautiful sunny day 3-6 as the day we had booked was forecast rain. The Tuesday started off wet hence the change of tyres but then dried up for 3 hours before the rain came again.

    Overall the trip was fantastic and I cannot wait to go again. Loved Spa more than I loved the Ring which I did not expect.





    The Ring












  21. Spa















    here are a few videos as well

    The moment i touched the grass and also my quickest Spa lap


  22. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    This, As much as i love the Ring and have been going for years I think i would now rather go to Spa. That takes nothing away from the Ring mind you, They are both epic places in their own right
  23. I agree too, I think the ring is a tad overrated personally (I might get shot down for that) Although I think Spa is a bit too big for the meg, its absolutely gutless down the kemmel straight, still its fun on the twisty stuff!

    Cool videos, looks like you had fun! Found this clip after watching yours, its quite funny:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJN6SmlRWKE
  24. haha, great find - thats Highmast75 on YT - the guy is a nutter!
  25. They are indeed, that was my 4th trip to the ring. Think in future I will always tie it up with a trip to spa either prior or after

    yeah I had lots of fun, a great trip was had.

    he is indeed, his videos are really good
  26. Superb pics, especially the Spa ones :cool:
  27. [video=youtube;oUG0r-fC3Qo]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUG0r-fC3Qo&feature=youtu.be[/video]

    a different view of the Ring
  28. the lap above shows how busy the ring was

    in the video I overtake 17 cars, get overtaken by none and get held up for quite some time due to a yellow flag then very cautious people after the flag

    Cant wait to get the go pro footage from my friend of are lasses first lap with the go pro on her, some great faces lol
  29. My first lap back at the ring and the girlfriends first


  30. Haha excellent, love how she looks all calm and relaxed at the beginning but terrified by the end :smiley:
  31. haha i know.

    Starts off with her phone out and giggly, by the end shes balled up and nervous, bless her

    after that lap she loved it and fully understands the hype
  32. Took a mate out with me last time I was over there, his first lap of the ring ever.

    He was way more scared than your girlfriend was. I ran a few curbs just to add to the excitement. :smile:
  33. haha she wasn't keen on the kerbs either
  34. Had this little gem 3 years today, this is the longest ive had a car and still don't even think about selling it

    unreal bus

  35. bought this picture with the watermark removed

  36. Havn’t updated these in ages.

    Not a lot really to report, just been enjoying the car. Havnt covered the most miles this year in this but when I have used it I’ve loved every second.

    Did a track day at cadwell in August, here are the pictures, car was brilliant throughout the day









    Heres a few from the Autum Malton Porsche breakfast meet



    Last edited: Nov 20, 2015
  37. Just read the whole thread and enjoyed it.

    My mrs' first lap of the 'ring was also fear mixed with joy haha!
  38. Nice update to round the year off mate!

    Any plans over the winter months for any tinkering?

    Any trips pencilled in for next year?
  39. glad you enjoyed it and cheers for the positive comments

    Yeah after this lap, she really enjoyed it, same with Spa

    Got a big project coming up in January so this will be taking a back seat for a little while, maybe a year off the Ring trips as well but we will see.

    The car will be mainly kept upto standard and I'm just about to open the debate over my bonnet again
  40. MOT day today

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