I fancy an R26 for my next car and i am wanting LY or GW. quick search on autotrader reveals these one: http://www2.autotrader.co.uk/classi...onesearchad=Nearly New&onesearchad=New&page=1 http://www2.autotrader.co.uk/classi...onesearchad=Nearly New&onesearchad=New&page=1 http://www2.autotrader.co.uk/classi...onesearchad=Nearly New&onesearchad=New&page=1 Anybody know any of them. Im closest to the cheapest one seems a good price but you could be the nicest person in Birmingham but i just hate buying cars from there lol or am i just being silly?
I was looking at the 'R26 ROO' one as it looked decent at a very low price,but no interior shots alarmed me - i went for another LY in the end.