Hi, I am looking at getting an R26 but saw this one on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Renault-m...e=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649 Went and had a look at it today and the guy took me out in it for a spin. I would prefer an R26 but this has good service history and the mods I was looking for (RS Tuning remap etc) and the R26 and LSD - I believe the serial no/ref is ND0 020 to identify this? The question is.... how do I know... besides Jacking the car up and spinning the wheels/taking it out in the wet without traction on etc .. is there a serial number I can check or some other refrence/identifier? thanks
the should be a sticker on top near thermostat and another sticker on the underside code on it should be ND0 020
yeah worth a punt... the guy says the gearbox was swapped by RS Tuning so I could check them Monday... but auction is tonight. Wouldn't it be 020 gearbox though as per the ebay listing with LSD?