R Link RS Monitor accurate?

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by Andy P, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. I have a new face lift 265 with R Link RS Monitor.
    How accurate are the bar graphs in the monitor or are they just representative.
    I have set them all for temps, revs and power.

    The power showed about 246 in normal bouncing of the end of the bar graph.
    The other day in sport I floored and held it up through the gears and it read 275

    Cheers Andy
  2. It probably is pretty accurate, AFAIK these meganes make around the 280 mark on the rollers standard.
  3. Thanks for the answer.
    That is a nice pleasant surprise then.

    Cheers Andy
  4. best way to find out get it on some rollers
  5. Nice one.
    Need to get some miles on first ha ha.

    Cheers Andy
  6. got some more to loosen aswel
  7. I'm curious to see what mine does aswel, getting it done in October, I've done almost 7k now so should see a decent result.

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