Problems changing from 4th to 5th (MK3)

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Space Cadet, Feb 13, 2017.

  1. It does it every time - if I’m accelerating hard I can’t get it into 5th first time and fluff the gear (all the previous changes up have gone in perfectly) If I take a bit more time I can get it in by only pushing the gearstick what feels like half the way over to the right (than the gate, or whatever it is, would allow) and then up. It just doesn’t want to naturally fall into place.

    The change from 5th down to 6th, feels further over to the right. If I am just casually cruising and change from 4th to 5th then it allows me to push the lever fully over to the right, which feels natural.

    5th to 6th is fine as is 5th to 4th.

    Any ideas what this could be please??

    It’s a 2011 250 Cup if that makes any difference and also I’ve fitted the MTECH short-shifter, I fitted this shortly after buying the car in December though so I can’t honestly say if it did it before.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!!
  2. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
  3. I don't have an answer for you other than to say get under the car (or however you view the linkages from the shifter and the box) and check that everything is tight. On my old Clio Cup (172) I fitted a short shifter kit and it took me AGES with someone sat in the car to get the central natural position right and then had them shift into every gear multiple times to get the feel right, if it wasn't correct I either couldn't get reverse or I couldn't get 5th.

    I've noticed on the Megane that the box is shit cold (fluid?) and doesn't like going into 2nd or third without a syncro style crunch, it's intermittent though. When it's warm it's better but it's still not smooth and easy, I like to just guide the gears in and not ram them home. My car had the diff and box rebuilt (car only has 29k on the clock) at KTec some time ago due to a known fault with the diff if I recall, not sure what bearing that has had.

    Hope you get it sorted and it's a connection problem and not a box problem.
  4. Thanks Mark.

    I can remember doing the same with my 172, but I can't see how the MTECH short-shift kit would cause this. At the end of the day it's one of those 'put it on a ramp and have a play about' jobs that I will defer until it has a belt-service later this year.

    I wondered if it may be was an obvious thing and that they all do it and the remedy is an uprated 275 widget thingymy.
  5. Someone else far more knowledgeable will be along no doubt. If it's not crunching then it sounds like a linkage/selector issue though to me. I've had a great idea...why not fit the CAE to fix it? :wink:
  6. Do you know what, that's a fantastic idea, why hadn't I thought of that?! Nope, want to keep it OEM looking inside, plus I'm not spending £700 on a gear selector.

    I'm probably going to treat Megan to an early belt service soon and also have the gearbox/diff and brake fluids etc. etc. changed so she's all 100% for some track fun when it starts to warm up a bit. I will ask them to take a look at the issue then.
  7. I'm full of good ideas I am!
  8. As mentioned on t’other thread, Megan will soon be going in for a full service and thorough check-up, I have already mentioned this to them and they will take a look at it while she’s with them.
  9. It sounds like what i had when i bought mine, would go from 4th to 5th when slow around town but at higher speed / rpm i couldn't get 5th to engage, ended up replacing the gearbox due to bad syncromesh.
  10. Ouch, didn't want to hear that, will get it looked at professionally soon.

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