preparation / restoration megane r26

Discussion in 'Megane Projects' started by LoK28o, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. Ian tiene razón Sergio, los 265 ya venían con termostato de 89º. Yo voy a montar un Calorstat de Vernet, llevo años usándolos en el taller y ningún problema.

    Ian is right Sergio, the 265 did coming with 89º thermostat. I gonna fit a Carlorstat by Vernet, I have years using they in the garage and no problem.
    ianplymouth likes this.
  2. I was saying. in case there is one that lets more flow or something, to avoid heating the engine
  3. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    I don't think there is anything, well i have not heard of anything like that
    LoK28o likes this.
  4. something more!

  5. 2020-06-22-20-43-36.jpg
    manugtt likes this.
  6. We continue little by little!

    Poppaboost likes this.
  7. Getting there Lok, looking good.
    LoK28o likes this.
  8. thank you very much friend
  9. I'm thinking of putting the battery in the trunk.
    any idea to hold the battery well?
  10. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    hi Lok
    are you enjoying keeping us in suspense with this build :laughing::laughing:
    manugtt likes this.
  11. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Get an old seat belt, use the webbing, its very strong :tongueclosed:
  12. hahahaha no friend, I have a lot of work and I can't spend much time
  13. nooooooo! I know that is hard and safe. but I would like something more beautiful and curious
  14. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    It will be hidden in the wheel well so why not ???
  15. yes of course it's hidden. but I like that the beautiful and curious things remain.
  16. Sergio, hay unas cajas que parecen una pequeña nevera de playa. No son caras y además resisten posibles perdidas de ácido. Si encuentro alguna te mando un link:wink: Ese trasto tendría que estar arrancado ya!

    Sergio, there are a little boxes, seems like a tupperware. Aren´t expensive and resist a possible acid leak. If I fount someone I´ll put the link:wink: That old crock must be running by now!
    ianplymouth likes this.

  17. esto dices?
    eso lo veo bien para esconder la bateria, pero no para sujetarla al chasis. no quiero ver en una franada fuerte. volar una bateria.

    I see that well to hide the battery, but not to attach it to the chassis. I don't want to see in a strong franada. fly a battery.
  18. Eso mismo quería decir, aunque esa no parece ser muy buena:grin: Para sujetarla al maletero, agujerear y tornillos pasantes con arandelas anchas. Con eso debería bastar. Hoy, mientras pasaba la ITV, había un chico con un R26 precioso, le he estado contando tu proyecto!

    That what I mean, but that not seem a good one:grin: To fix it in the trunk, drill and bolts and nuts with wide washers. That must be enough. Today, meanwhile passing MOT, there was a guy in a beautiful R26, I was telling about your project!
  19. si lo pensaba asi. pero no me termina de dar la seguridad que me gustaria. quiero algo que no se mueva por nada del mundo

    if I thought so. but it does not finish giving me the security that I would like. I want something that won't move for anything in the world
  20. slow. very slow but little by little I'm doing things

    ianplymouth, manugtt and Poppaboost like this.
  21. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    But your getting there :laughing::laughing:

    best take your time and check everything if this is your first build
  22. that's right friend. better check everything well.
    while I wait for more pieces hahahaha
  23. 2020-06-30-20-36-21.jpg
  24. Sergio, casi un mes sin actualizar esto. Que pasa con ese trasto viejo?:innocent::innocent:

    Sergio, almost a month without news. What happening with that old antique?:innocent::innocent:
    tof73 likes this.
  25. pues que compre una down pipe de 3 y me a llegado una de 2.75 y la e tenido que devolver. con suerte me llega la nueva esta semana o la que viene.
    tambien estoy esperando que lleguen los manguitos forge de agua.
    nose como tardan tanto en llegar las cosas. esto es desesperante

    y tengo ganas de disfrutar mi pequeño

    Well, I bought a 3 down pipe and I got a 2.75 and I had to return it. hopefully I get the new one this week or next.
    I'm also waiting for the water forge sleeves to arrive.
    I don't know how things take so long to arrive. this is maddening

    and I want to enjoy my little one
  26. Bueno hombre, paciencia. La verdad es que ultimamente tardan los envios desde Inglaterra. Este verano no bajaré al sur, si no me acercaba a Almería a echarte un cable!

    Well man, patience. To be honest, lately shippings are taken so long from England. This summer will not go to the south, if not, I would go to Almería to help you!
  27. hombre yo no bajaria, pero mas que nada por la calor que tenemos todos los dias. una media de 36 a 42 grados. una cosa nada agradable jajajaja

    si algun dia te animas a bajar por la zona, avisa que te puedo recomendar buenas zonas y sitios.

    el tema de los envios. ya nose como tomarmelo, no es normal que tarden unos manguitos 2 meses y no lleguen

    man I would not go down, but more than anything because of the heat we have every day. an average of 36 to 42 degrees. something not nice hahahaha

    If one day you dare to go down in the area, let me know that I can recommend good areas and places.

    the subject of the shipments. I do not know how to take it, it is not normal that it takes a couple of sleeves 2 months and does not arrive
    manugtt likes this.
  28. and here the poor man is still waiting

  29. Great work.

    I've started stripping mine today as the likelihood of getting any track time for the remainder of the year is very slim!
  30. slowly. everything arrives friend.
  31. Pobre motorcito! Esperando los tubos que lo mantienen en temperatura!:tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy: Mientras te puedes ver unos videos del Ring en esa pantalla de la izquierda. Animo Sergio, en breve oiremos el ronroneo de ese gatito.:wink:

    Poor little engine! Waitting for the hoses that keep it on temperature!:tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy: In the while, you can watch any Ring´s videos in that screen on the left. Cheer up Sergio, soon we heard the purr of that kitty:wink:
  32. 2016-08-06-18-28-01.jpg
    speed jpg
    snapchat gay pic
    no me lo recuerdes. que he ido 4 años consecutivos. el ultimo año con el megane.

    increible viaje, paisajes y aventuras!

    nurbur es el paraiso del motor.

    lastima que este año no pueda ir.

    si todo sale bien y esto del covid termina, me gustaria poder ir el año que viene

    do not remind me that. I've been there 4 years in a row. the last year with the megane.

    incredible trip, landscapes and adventures!

    nurbur is a motoring paradise.

    Too bad I can't go this year

    If everything goes well and this covid thing ends, I would like to be able to go next year
    manugtt likes this.
  33. What power are you going to be running lok?
    Anything near or over 300bhp get the grade 8’s and gap them to 0.6mm
  34. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

  35. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    how are you getting on with your engine build ?????
  36. I read this more times in the forum and I´m curious, what we get with that? In fact, I did in mine not much ago but don´t sense any difference to be honest!:grimacing:
    Ian, I think that Sergio is enjoying the building so much and want it never end...:tonguewink:
  37. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    I'm thinking that also, maybe he's waiting for a car to turn up so he can use the engine :laughing::laughing::laughing:

    I think that you might not feel the difference in the plugs and the gaps, but your engine will notice it
    manugtt likes this.
  38. Ok! You have years with those engines so, your words are rigth for me:wink:

    Cheers up Sergio! That F4R must start before christmas day!
  39. Well, I'm going with a megane 3 turbo. So I'll be around 300hp to 310hp hopefully. but the use of the car is just a circuit and enjoy.

    but my question is: what model or reference are those spark plugs? so I can buy in my area

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