R26 Power delivery above 100mph

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Audio Addict, Feb 24, 2017.

  1. Hello All,

    I've noticed with my R26 that once it gets above 100mph the acceleration really tails off and once it gets to 110mph it seems like it's not going to get much faster. Is that normal with these or is something going on?
    I wasn't sure if it's just because i'm used to cars that pull like a train to well over 140mph.
  2. Remap...but no mine never felt like that before it was mapped

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  3. NJH


    Audio Addict is this your feeling after driving round Silverstone? Remember that race tracks like Silverstone always make cars feel slow. My own best in my race car there is 2:36 but the datalogger was only saying I was getting to the low-mid 120s down the Hanger straight. It takes a long time and a lot of road to accelerate to high speeds and unfortunately on race tracks you just don't get enough road.
  4. This is a normal function of air resistance (drag).

    Remember drag increases as the square of speed, or to put it another way, to double the speed increase (acceleration) you need four times the power. Whilst this has little effect at low speed (and other considerations like traction come into play), at high speed the numbers don't stack up well.

    What cars are you used to? Anything that pulls like a train to 140 must still carry on, but with the slowed effect you report with the R26, unless they then hit an artificial limiter like most German cars.
  5. My R26 feels the same ! Feels so slow above 90 ! My other car pulls all the way to 186 but has just under 500bhp and 517lb/ft torque and weighs 1620kg.
    Twisty road or track the R26 is great fun and I love it ! Went to Spa
    last year for a track day in the R26 and it struggled there !It's a very fast track ! Going this year in April in the Audi so should be more suited !
  6. I can only imagine what 186 feels like :dizzy:

    The weight has lesser and lesser effect at high speed due to the massively increasing load that drag put on the acceleration as per the square law above whilst weight & power stays the same.
    Lynchy1975 likes this.
  7. I noticed it at brands and Silverstone and once on the road. I've previously had a heavily tuned Evo 9, M12 Noble , mildly tuned R35 GTR and my current car is a tuned C63. Its probably just the skewed perception you get when you haven't got stuff close to get a reference of speed

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    Last edited: Feb 25, 2017
  8. Try riding a bike, cars are so disappointing in a straight line :smile:
    Lynchy1975 likes this.
  9. Mine is standard and keeps pulling hard past 110, easily gets to 130+

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  10. Changing the thermostat made a massive difference to mine.

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  11. You need big power for big speed, so cars with 300, 400, 500 bhp just keep pulling past 100mph, 250 bhp region usually runs out of puff 100-115 depending on form drag. Power to weight ratio irrelevant at higher speed
  12. My standard 225 pulls to 110mph pretty easily before I need to brake. Not pushed it past that tbh. This is with a car that has only just been fixed to work properly. Not tried it since work has been done either.

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