Afternoon all, I have had a lovely day replacing my clutch master cylinder, that part was easy, but trying to bleed the poxy car is driving me insane, iv tried the usual pipe on nipple , open valve slightly and let naturally bleed , NO JOY iv tried the same way as I would bleeding brakes , upending and shutting valve, NO JOY I'm now waiting for a mate to drop his easy bleed round so I can try that, please any pointers before I torch the car, :mad:
Hey Jay, its normally easier with 2 people, bit of a funny design tbf where the nipple is / stupid clip design. A few people reverse bleed them with a syringe, worth a shot if you haven't tried it? Edit :- beaten to it
Forgot to put that in my first post, tried reverse bleeding it to, I now have the eazi bleed system in my grasps so will be giving that a go , can anyone help me out on that, from what I gather I connect it up to the break res Fill eazi bottle with fluid connect to tyre at around 20psi Then pull that poxy bleed nipple back slightly and let it drain ? Is is that right ,
Hi MJ57 it was the master a changed and no didn't pre fill it , read about doing that somewhere after I had fitted it , thought that was only on the slave cylinder though