225 Pistons for a meg 225

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by iiPaul, Jul 9, 2017.

  1. I know there's two different sizes that come out a megane 225 engine.. these have just come out of my engine as you can see the code on the piston says 289.07


    A friend has These pistons but the code is differnt not sure if you can see but looks like it says 278.09

    My question is will it straight fit?

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  2. Anyone?

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  3. I haven't seen those second pistons before.
    The only pistons I've seen are B5 or C5 pistons (although don't have that much experience)

    I had 3 b5 and 1 c5 in my engine - I only changed one piston as it had a bit of skirt damage due to a bent rod.
    It was a c5 piston that went and I changed it with another c5, the other codes I believed were batch numbers or something similar (may be wrong though).

    I noticed there was several grams difference in weight between the c5 and b5 pistons during the rebuild.

    It may be worth firing engine dynamics an email / call and asking, I picked up my single piston from here and Andy asked what codes etc were on the piston i wanted to replace, the smaller longer codes were completely different only the C5 marking was the same but it fitted runs etc.
  4. Yeah my spare engine I've stripped down has all four pistons at b5 however they all hit the valves so are no good..

    My friend has split a meg engine to forge it and has these pistons with these markings but they don't seem to match mine..

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