Pipercross filter

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by harpo, Jun 11, 2014.

  1. Right then, according to the pipercross site, the correct panel filter for the meg 250 is part number pp1619. I got one of those but it's kinda the right shape but nowhere near fitting. The angle is all wrong.
    Anyone got any clue as to what part number I need or indeed whether the 1619 fits any other meg? So I can recoup some of my dosh on here?
  2. Thats the filter for the 225/230 but the 250 is only a few mm bigger, its what im running in mine, never had any problems fitted, even rs tuning recommended to use them, but i do beleive if you look on ebay they quote another number for 250/265 pipercross filter.
  3. And what you mean angle is wrong, mine fitted pretty perfect
  4. No there's no way it would fit in the box even with forcing it, the angled side is a more acute angle than the slide in drawer/ box holder
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2014
  5. This is what I bought off ebay and it fits my 265 perfectly.

  6. Strange! I've dropped an email to the pipercross depot asking for an explanation
  7. Might be worth showing what you mean with pictures, its a simple drop in the draw and slide back in, but it is a little fiddley getting the draw in straight, but thats more diwn to design rather than the filter itself
  8. No it's not getting the drawer in and out but getting the filter in the drawer, it just won't fit. I'll take it off again and get a pic
  9. Pp1619 is slightly smaller than the tray so should fit
  10. Just had an e mail from pipercross who say send it back to exchange for the proper one and 'the web site needs updating'
    Ie pp1619 is not the right one for the 250.......the plot thickens!
  11. I am still interested to see photos of how this apparently doesn't fit, mine dropped in in two seconds....
  12. Like already been said, pp1619 is for the 230/225, theres a few mm difference, but it fits, i think they made a more snug fit one since, would still be good to see what youve got compared to the tray.
  13. Pp1881 is the proper one according to pipercross response
  14. I don't understand how yours doesn't fit, mine dropped straight in, as mentioned there is maybe a 1mm gap...

    They must have sent you the wrong part totally.
  15. Any pics yet
  16. And another ImageUploadedByTapatalk1402594432.160968.jpg
  17. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1402594560.622337.jpg
  18. Pipercross have said send it back and we'll exchange it :-)
  19. Dont think that is even pp1619 tbf thats bigger at the one then standard.
  20. That's what it says on the box
  21. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    Probably been sent the one from a 225/230
  22. The 225/230 one fits, its only slightly smaller, got in mine.

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