Ph2 225 Rotary Switch.

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by .Stevo.C., Jan 30, 2014.

  1. Anyone got a working one lying about they're willing to sell?
  2. Daz


    I know they're not cheap new but I wouldn't risk getting a used one to be honest.

    I'm glad I bought new in the end - even though it still feels like it's going to give up the ghost!
  3. Yeah £162 new, Daz.
  4. I have had to change mine. Cost me £180 for the part from Renault. Thankfully I was able to fit it all myself. :smile:
  5. Ice decided to just buy a new one. I'll be fitting it myself too.

    Out of interest why did you guys have to buy new ones?
  6. Daz


    Mine was clicking on lock, left it doing that until it finally gave up and was activating my airbag light when turning left - turning right turned it off :wink:

    After that I just bought a new one, nice and quiet now - They really are a piece of piss to fit.
  7. Daz


    And also with a new one it's lined up correctly - if you bought a used one and it wasn't central then the first time you turned the wheel you could rip it all to bits and be back at square one.

    Plus new stalks always feel nice :wink:
  8. Never new about the lining up part, Daz. That's good to know.

    My wheel was actually clicking on lock going both ways but I never had any lights on my dash until I removed my airbag.

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