Ph1 Trophy front bumper with/without trim,rear lights,boot lip spoiler,standard stere

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by polmac, May 6, 2014.

  1. As above please

    Preferably postage or local pickup but can arrange courier if required .


  2. Markblack@MRS

    Markblack@MRS RSM Trader

    I have a ph2 one with grills and a set of headlights
  3. I have a boot lip spoiler but where are you based?
  4. Cheers for the offer mark that would be ideal and look better but I'm going to try to make it how it was made.
  5. Cheers mate. I'm in fife but I've got an offer local with lights and spoiler.
  6. Mark. Msg me with info on this please. Really need one asap.

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