Ph1 225 project

Discussion in 'Megane Projects' started by Carl mcintosh, Jul 29, 2018.

  1. 88004E71-69B3-4D05-947E-5B63845CE12A.png Hi Guys

    So after a bit a time searching for a bit of a project of looking for a Clio. I spotted this Megane on eBay. Set a limit and funnily I won it for I thought a very good price. Bought the car without viewing as it was too far away. Knowing it probably needed a lot of work.
    The previous owner didn’t do much with it as he said he didn’t have a clue.
    He just started it wouldn’t turn over and would not run.

    On first looking body work is pretty good just a scuff on the front bumper and the rear should polish up really well.

    The car itself was used for the odd track day and so has been stripped out apart from front door cards seats and floor carpet

    First day I got it there was no life in the car. So checked the battery and quickly got a new one. Car turned over fine but was not coming to life at all.

    Removed the spark plugs and they looked terrible and very wet!

    I got a new set of spark plugs. And kept trying to turn it over and eventually came to life only to keep cutting out. Managed to fire it up again and kept the revs on to keep it alive.

    This is when a massive ploom of white smoke started flying out the exhaust and it just kept wanting to die. Then wouldn’t fire up at all. So I’ve come to the conclusion there is something seriously wrong.

    Maybe the head has gone and the white smoke is water getting in the cylinders. Perhaps it won’t start at all due to loss of compression.

    I’ve got a compression test kit coming soon so I’ll find out then.

    But more than likely I’ll be looking for an engine.

    With the price I’ve paid for it I’m still pretty happy and looking forward to bringing it back from the dead!

    Anyone advice would be appreciated if anyone has had similar. I will be looking at taking the head off to look more than likely anyway


    Also cheeky picture of my other toy
    Genty and Si271 like this.
  2. Nice little project there mate and looks clean.
    Sounds like the engine has let go though and a compression test will give you a better idea. If you can borrow a Borescope then try and have a look at the condition of the pistons. Very rare that headgaskets fail on the 225 so ill put my money on one of the pistons as the original ones are made of chocolate.

    You will be better taking the complete lump/box out in one go and onto a stand, 3-4 hours max rather than trying to get the head off alone. It's a right pain in the arse and you'll be there all weekend lol.
  3. Loving the Lotus Exige by the way :sunglasses:
  4. Thanks man

    Just about ready to pull the engine now. Just need to pull passenger driveshaft out then there is some more wiring going behind the back then should be ready to go. Think I’m just going to unbolt the ac pump and leave it in place rather than depressuring it all. The top of all the positions look shagged. As if something has been in contact. Looks like small dimples. Haven’t bothered with a compression test as either way sourcing a new engine at this stage is better for me. Once I have the car up and running. I’ll strip the old engine down and go from there as I may forge it in time. But for now it’s just project daily. I’m off to hull working for a few weeks now so it will stop while I’m away. I’m hoping to source an engine when I come back. Pretty excited about it now even though it’s a state.
    Poppaboost likes this.
  5. Hi guys

    Bit of an update. Due to working away not had as much time as I’d like but finally got the engine out today. Had a bit of trouble splitting the turbo from the car so ended up cutting one bolt when I pulled the engine forward a bit.

    Split the gear box from the engine and revealed a single mass flywheel unsure of the brand so any input would be great is it worth keeping? My plan is to put a r26r clutch in hopefully.

    Another nice surprise is the turbo has about 3-4mm axial play so guessing it’s nackered.

    So list of parts so far that I need are

    Full timing belt kit
    Timing tools.(does anyone have any to sell. Don’t want to buy from Renault for one job)
    Clutch kit. (Smf)
    New starter motor(old one has ground teeth)
    Gaskets for manifold and turbo

    I have already purchased a new engine from renbreakers. 65k engine

    Once this is all sorted. I’ll look into running gear.

    Probably could of bough a descent 225 for the price of all this lmao.

    Few pics
    B3472A5C-883E-4974-940F-D4F16725CF9D.jpeg D2EF2DD9-F97C-4D31-B97B-8753ACF10FAA.jpeg 17D6586B-2F0F-494A-A4EB-D0C95F397CA8.jpeg 204CA50B-FF1C-493A-AE49-5CA99BD9EE16.jpeg

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