
Discussion in 'General Chat' started by sebinko, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. As the future of Nurburgring-Nordschleife is the skies, I have decided to spend more time driving and enjoying this great circuit till I can.
    I hope my children will not know it only from the saying and pictures.

    I am planning to go this Sunday as well so if somebody from you will be there, would be great.

    Here are some pics from my last visit two weeks ago. more u can find in my gallery. on sunday will post new.

    03.jpg 0001.jpg DSC01281.jpg DSC01302.jpg DSC01299.jpg View attachment 316

  2. I want to live there :worried: England sucks
  3. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    I wouldnt worry too much about the future :wink:

    Needless to say when the sale does go through TF is safe and UK drivers may benefit from it as well
  4. friday 2013.09.06.
    31 degrees








  5. Nice pics love the old 911
  6. thx,

    here is a video from my first wam-up lap. unfortunately after that the battery died.

    sound is bad, but i just ordered external microphone for future.

  7. It's a magical place for petrol heads, I've only been the once but it was the best weekend I've had with a car. Desperate to get back over there once more this year but that's looking slim now :worried:
  8. it is truly magical place :smile:

    I you do come, let me know and we can meet there.
  9. Lol @ the gt86 :-D
  10. ... it was already too much. anyways, these rental cars are usually booked by people new to the ring.
  11. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Where have you mounted the camera for that?
  12. on the small side back window
  13. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Any chance of a photo? Quite like the view it gives :smile:

    I shall be there in October, Doing a trackday at Spa then heading over for an evening TF session, been a while since i was there last
  14. I am currently not at home, heading to Littlehampton in my small suzuki. in one week I will post the pics for u, how i did it.
    anyways, once u know u r coming, let me know and we can meet there. still have 15 rounds left :-)
  15. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    Looks awesome. So wish I had gone this summer. I will make it my goal to go next year even if I go alone.
  16. it is worth.

    I would prefer to make a group event, book hotel, and drive like 2-3 days all together. I gues more people would be interested to come over here from the island :-)
  17. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Thursday the 10th of October is when I plan to be there, maybe see you there
  18. sounds good, i will try to leave work earlier that we can meet there.
    will write you couple of days before that
  19. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Look forward to it dude!

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