250 Not another airbag question...

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by crowdie, Dec 14, 2017.

  1. It was inevitable, my 250 has developed an airbag fault.

    This one isn't caused by the usual seat swap though, it's just spontaneously decided to spite me just before christmas.

    I get an airbag light, spanner, passenger airbag off and airbag fault. She's been in for diagnostics this morning, low resistance at the driver seat was observed.

    I've got non recaro heated leathers, I'm planning to take the seat out and have a good ghanders but was wondering what I should be looking for / at?
  2. Been out and had a fiddle, unplugged the yellow bad boy and plugged back in (with the battery unplugged) to no avail. Noticed a spare socket on the housing but couldn't see any leads flying around loose.

    Doesnt help that the whole unit wasnt attached to the metal bar, thinking it's probably been yanked out of place. Cant see why it reads low resistance though :confused:

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