My 250 just stopped going into fifth gear, no grinding or noise's it's just like there is no fifth gear, it just won't allow you to move the gear stick down from fourth or sixth . Every other gear is fine no issues what so ever ....... can anyone help ????
You've got to assume broken gearbox. Faulty dog ring or something. Get it to a decent garage or transmission specialist.
Sounds similar to the issue i had recently but more severe, mine would not going into 5th at high (3000+rpm ish). Took it to Renault and had to have a new gearbox. My 250 was about 3 months out of manufacturers warranty so they paid 75% of it and the garage I had just bought it from paid the rest. Mine was damage to syncromesh.
mine was out of warranty, just depends how far. Mine had only 20k on the clock. The synchomesh can be replaced but Renault said the labour would end up making it more expensive due to the time stripping the gearbox, but that's Renault prices.
Funny how only the 250's have had gearbox problems...Renault are a bit crafty and should reimburse all the customers who've had to fork out on new wouldn't mind if you did tonnes of miles....mine needed a new one at 38k!
renault have always had shit boxes.. 200 197 182 all shit The 250 i thought was alot stronger and unlikely to fail. was developed by nissan IIRC?
The 182 box is completely different box to the others either jb or jc and was great in 5 turbos,172s etc... A great box in my opinion. Its the 6 speeds that have all been kind of under engineered. Either loosing gears, 2nd gear going or diff bearing sh#$ting themselves. Shame coz it ruins some great cars.