
Discussion in 'New to the Club? Why not introduce yourself?' started by Momos, Jan 7, 2017.

  1. Hi everyone new to the forum and to Renault I bought a megane rs250 2011 just before xmas and am loving the car really didn't expect it to be that good anyway just thought I would say hi
    Nigelo and Gvido Rs265 like this.
  2. Hiya. Welcome. I agree with that. Even those who know about the RS don't realise how good it actually is. But the majority simply don't realise. It only took me 6 years to accept it was the car for me. The first road car that works on track.
    Gvido Rs265 likes this.
  3. Welcome! Share some photos :wink:
    Gvido Rs265 likes this.

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