Newbie with R26 from Cheshire

Discussion in 'New to the Club? Why not introduce yourself?' started by ChiR26, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. Hello all I have recently bought myself an R26 and Feirny told me I should register here as its full of experts :wink:
    Im an active member on Cliosport as I have 2 clios also.

    Looking forward to chatting with everyone and maybe meeting if and when local meets are arranged.

  2. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    hey mate. whats your name on CS as i dont recognise Chi lol!
  3. Hi Naith it's kangoosport :smile: No kangoo anymore so thought it time for a new name lol
  4. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    ahhh yes i remember, that van was ridiculous, loved it.
  5. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    Welcome. I think I remember that Kangoo from CS.
  6. Daz


    Welcome over fella!
  7. Thanks for the welcome guys. Slow getting back as just got tapatalk to work. .. Ive done a few track days in the R26 and I'm absolutely blown away. Can't think of a better car to drive to and from the track in. .
  8. Welcome to the Club
  9. Hi!
  10. Welcome
  11. Meg was filthy after the trip to Blyton and back so have it a quick wash.
  12. Love that. Welcome here - shoulda kept the same name....
  13. Thanks @xanda73 I l had a kangoo van with a 172 sport engine, hence the old name. . Sold that so it was time for a new name. I tend to change cars quite of often so including the car in my name might not be the best idea.
  14. Ash87

    Ash87 RSM Moderator

    Welcome aboard. Kangoo van looked mental from vids i saw on cs, made me want one ha
  15. You should mate it was a lot of fun. I've moved on since then. Buying that van has cost me a fortune lol

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