New To The Club, look forward to sharing your knowledge

Discussion in 'New to the Club? Why not introduce yourself?' started by lee225, Mar 29, 2015.

  1. Hello, I've recently treated myself to a Megane 225 which i knew had a few issues but i don't mind a car with character.
  2. Welcome along mate, plenty of knowledge on here so I'm sure people can help with your few issues.
    You need to post a picture though!

    And what's the problems?
  3. Welcome
  4. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    Welcome to the site mate. Get some pics up.
  5. Welcome along mate, your in the best place if you need info on these cars
  6. Welcome fella
  7. Hi Lee, welcome along mate.

    +1 on the pics

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