New member (again)

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by meso100, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. Like most of you I have received an email from this new site where my details obviously came from the "other" site. I don't want to even speak its name as it makes me vom in my mouth when I think of it. It well and truly went to the dogs, really glad someone (some group) have put time and effort into this phoenix!

    I may post more regularly now, especially with Tapatalk being preferred :smile:

    Well done again guys and I will be watching the site develop, good luck to you.

    ps: maybe next time BC our email addresses as opposed to emailing them out to everyone, I do like to keep some things personal :wink:

    Just sayin'
  2. Stevie

    Stevie Events Coordinator

    Welcome to the club
  3. Tess Tickle

    Tess Tickle Banned

  4. Welcome bud
  5. Daz


    Welcome over matey!
  6. Welcome fella
  7. Thought you'd been quiet mate! Welcome over!
  8. Welcome mate
  9. Gray

    Gray RSM Moderator

    Welcome :smile:
  10. Welcome to the (New Club) enjoy

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