New clutch time

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by ghosty0101, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. My clutch slipped a tiny bit the other night and now under acceleration it just revs but doesn't go! It was quicker than I thought but I expected it to happen some time! I want to get the R26R clutch and smf as I always like to replace broken things with something solid that will last and don't mind paying a bit extra for it! Where is the best place to get these? Engine dynamics have it for a good price but is there anywhere I haven't looked that someone could suggest? I already have a Renault mechanic to fit it so I just need the parts.
    Thanks in advance!
  2. I would be intrested in this too, my local speedyclutch in Manchester won't touch a 225, so need someone who can do the job.
  3. NJH


    Same here, mine felt fairly worn but within 2 days has got worse than an old slush box. Can't give her more than about 1/3rd throttle now in the higher gears without it slipping. SMF + R26.R clutch kit sounds the ticket.
  4. Mine does it in every gear, it bites until about 2500rpm and then slips up to 4500 and back down to 4K and then keeps slipping! It's done well though, I've just reached 60k miles!
  5. I'm on 67K, I had a really weird issue with it a few months ago, I was at some lights on a steep hill and put it in first gear, dipped the clutch quite quickly to pull off and the car didn't move, it just wouldn't go anywhere, for the next 50 or so miles the whole car absolutely stuck like rotton eggs. since then had no problem at all. very strange, it's as if the clutch and gear completely slipped, I think it had it's flywheel changed at 28K due to a warranty claim against renault, so no sure on it's history.
  6. Mine hasn't liked hills for a while, it hates my girlfriends drive which is super steep! And it's juddered for a year or so so she's done well! It'll feel like a new car with the R26r clutch and lightweight smf I should imagine!
  7. have you read the sticky at the top of the page, think the clutch from the diesel is the R clutch and the SMF from RS tuning is what the thread gets to. Not sure if anyone has actually done it as yet so make sure it fits

    i am on 68k now and the bite point is very high but not got any slipping but dont think it will be far off
  8. Is that one way you can judge how far off a new clutch is from the bite point?
  9. not 100% sure I was told ages ago that the higher the bite point the more worn the clutch is
  10. Higher bite is more worn, I also had a judder when pulling away. I don't thing there's an exact measurement but I could be wrong!
  11. Lightweight smf, R26R clutch and slave ordered, got a very good deal and I'll be having it fitted over the weekend hopefully!
  12. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep

    Where did you get it from in the end?
  13. how much?
  14. NJH


    Well I went the other way after talking it all through with my mechanic and his experience of the TTV SMF from his days with K-Tec. If the clutch was of the multi spring centred type as fitted to many other cars (like many modern Porsches for example) then I would have been confident in it, as mine is predominantly a road car I don't really fancy having an undamped clutch and flywheel system. He did say he has been looking for a decent clutch manufacturer to make an OEM quality mildly uprated spring centred clutch for these cars but as such a thing doesn't exist the choice is plain, either go totally undamped or stick to OEM parts. New Renault R26 clutch kit ordered from RPD, £104 is some kind of miracle price for a clutch kit these days + new slave cylinder.
  15. The best compromise is the R26R clutch and DMF. All stock parts, good on the road and you get the extra clutch clamping load from the R26R which is good for a mildly mapped R26.
  16. What quotes has everyone had? Mel black is £775 all in. Any ideas on RSTuning prices etc?
  17. I've gone for the LUK R26R clutch and slave direct from them and the flywheel from engine dynamics, I've read lots of pros and cons about having a single mass setup but I've got it now so I'll just have to get used to it! I don't daily the car so it's not a massive worry!
  18. NJH


    No doubt true but ISTR the R26.R DMF is significantly more money than even the TTV SMF, whereas new R26 clutch kit is peanuts. I am still a little worried about it handling the 270+ lb/ft mine is running at now but Paul@Tech-1 is pretty adamant the clutch can handle a mildly tuned R26 no problem. I guess I will see as I intend to take mine on track quite a bit, and if I sell my race car it will go on track a lot.
    DamoBarnes likes this.

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