My knob is worn! (225)

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by Alex_225, Feb 15, 2014.

  1. Ok so the numbers have worn off the gear knob on my Trophy and I was looking at ways round having to buy and somehow fit a replacement. Have heard they're a pain to replace.

    So I was looking on the wonder that is eBay and saw this as a replacement insert. Thought it was fairly smart but wondered if anyone had replaced just the insert on theirs?
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2014
  2. I am after 1 also
  3. I bought one of those for my R26 and didn't like it. It just didn't feel right as it is flat where normally the insert is rounded if that makes sense.
  4. Funnily enough Rob I had wondered that as it did mention in the ad that they were flat.

    Thing is I tend to change gear with my thumb up or down rather than with the palm of my hand flat on the top.

    Did it fit well?
  5. Yeah fitted fine. I'm sure I still have it somewhere. If I can find it you're more than welcome to have it.
  6. Thank you mate that's really kind of you! If you have it just let me know what you want for it. :smile:
  7. Pm'd.
  8. Daz


    It's not a pain, just buy a new one.
  9. Does anyone know if the brushed alloy ball ones that fit the 200 and 250s fit the 225???
  10. I got one mate, great little addition [​IMG]
  11. Took literally 30 seconds to fit, pop the other one out with a flatty screwdriver and the new one is a snug fit so just pop it in :wink:
  12. Will get 1 ordered much nicer
  13. I have fitted one too is flat but that didn't worry me.
  14. Rob R26r has very kindly offered me the one he has so that should be winging it's way to me soon.

    Will be a nice addition as the current insert is looking a bit pants. Being flat doesn't phase me as I don't rest my palm on the top of the gear knob anyway.
  15. Ordered 1 yesterday evening
    Should be with me thu
  16. [​IMG]

    I bought the eBay one too, this is it fitted.
  17. They look really good I must admit. :smile:

    Certainly cheaper than buying a replacement gear knob from Renault themselves.
  18. I got one from an R26 with the engraved numbers.
  19. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    So does the silver bit come off? I hate mine and want the normal gear knob on there.
  20. I got a carbon one from streamline carbon, bot cheap but miles better than that one.
  21. Yup pops out with a small plain screwdriver.
  22. Only thing is for the cost of those, you're probably looking at the same cost as an OEM replacement gear knob. :smile:
  23. They are quite smart too, only thing is they look too much like good carbon fibre.

    Have you seen the real carbon they used inside the Trophy, it looks erm interesting. Those inserts actually look too good by comparison haha
  24. No I haven't noticed them

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