my 225 is black/gold is there a r26?

Discussion in 'Exterior & Bodywork' started by gjonmat, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. unnamed (11).jpg unnamed (10).jpg

    tried to get a shot of the gold in the black :smile:
  2. I can't find sticker and mine is a 06 black and gold megane which I have had from new... Rare is cool as far as I am concerned
  3. Is it just gold specks ?
  4. yer gold speckles in the black, i tried getting photo through 3D specs but id dint work i have another plan though.... watch this space :smile:
  5. where are you in the uk?
    do you have any pic`s of ya car?
    i noticed i do have the sticker its lower down and all the silver has worn off so cant be seen easy,
    what spec is yours?

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