225 MPG Message Display Playing Up

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by Ramigojag, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. Hopped into the car this evening after about 5 mins driving I thought something wasn't right took me another 5 mins to realise I had no display above where the picture of the car is where the MPG is normally displayed tried getting something to flash up. Has anyone heard or seen this before on a 225?

  2. I c the same thing, diagnostic battery is dying
  3. I assume you mean car battery not key card battery
  4. Car Battery
  5. I've had no trouble starting, must be very early signs
  6. Def signs of battery on its way out, my 225 did it last year and it use to start fine too!
  7. Fair enough it is 5 years old now

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