CAE Short shifter kit now being stocked by ktec - any MK3 owners thinking of getting one?
Annoyingly sexy things, I bet Jamie wants one for his Only seen cars on the continent with them fitted though so not been able to get first hand experience, would be interested to know how much or if any difference is noticeable.
I've got the Cae shifter for about 3 months now,shifts are very short and accurate,installation took about 2 hours,it will not shift faster and you need a bit more effort to shift, but it's more fun to shift (feels more racy)
As if the price wasn't ridiculous enough they want an extra £100 just to have it it black. Get a fucking grip man.
Jesus yeah, didn't notice that.. With the euro the way it is, best to try and get it from GT or Dijon in France maybe? - could work out waaay cheaper
I don't know why you would ever buy it from anyone other that CAE direct. Ill be getting one at some point. As Dixie said it won't really make the shifts any quicker, Just more precise and shorter
It costs as much as an intercooler or a good exhaust so I don't think it's expensive,an exhaust is just some metal pipes and the shifter is a nice piece of technologie....
the gear shift on the mk3 is already substantially better than mk2 so not really needed imo unless you do a lot of track. Or have the money to feed the modifying bug.
Here is a video of the shifter in the Megane 3 RS: want one of these for best gear shifter kit lol