Mikeyjp's Megane 250 - Progress Thread

Discussion in 'Megane Projects' started by Mikeyjp, Feb 16, 2017.

  1. I don't have any sun visor mirror lights now so I'm assuming I won't have anything to change.

    As above, I'll use the remaining LEDs as spares. Or fit em in our other car.
  2. Car is all ready go in tommorow for the following

    Upper engine insert
    Upper 275 gearbox mount
    M14 bolt
    Vibra Lower gearbox mount
    Mr Pink pins
    Front top mounts
    Hopefully if they fit, some mist style washer jets
    and get the EML turned off
    Last edited: May 12, 2017
  3. Nevermind lol, garage just phoned me, and have someone off sick :worried:, will have to wait till next Thur now :worried:
  4. Did you get your gear knob & gaiters re-trimmed in the end?
  5. Hi, Still trying to get hold of a gear knob, got a steering wheel waiting too :smile:
  6. I've just ordered my wheel, from Jack at Royal. I've gone for dark grey and silver stitching.

    I think I'll do the gaiters too later. Out of interest, what were you planning to do with the knob? Have the leather type material replaced with alacantara to match the wheel?
  7. I am not a fan of Alcantara on steering wheels ect, will get mine done all leather. But in your case i would do like you say and have it to match
  8. Oh. Are you just updating the existing leather then or changing the style of the wheel? Curious as to why you would need a spare wheel.
  9. Yeah will be changing to a better leather, and red stitch, still toying with the idea of getting rid of the buttons on the wheel and maybe leather over it. Got a spare wheel as i was going to use Snappy on cliosports, and he does not have spare ones atm
  10. Got the car back yesterday, gave it a bit of a blast to work today, suspension feels a bit firmer, but not to bad and the ride height looks good now :smile:. The engine insert makes a bit more vibration on tick over, and shakes the car well on start up, not really too noticeable once you get going. It had a service as well and had the upper gearbox and lower mount replaced, the Upper has been drilled and tapped to take a M14 bolt, Mr Pink pins fitted.

    Some point next week i will see if the mist style washer jets fit or not, fingers crossed :tongueout:

    jack250 likes this.
  11. So what do you think, Yay or Nay :tongueout:



  12. Nay.

    Looks like a sore ring piece.
  13. Too much lipstick if you ask me
  14. Lots of No!
    Bowen likes this.
  15. This made me LOL.

    Not for me I don't think. Bit too much going on. I don't mind the diffuser accent so much, but not the tailpipe surround.
    Bowen likes this.
  16. Might have to go with boring black then :tongueout:
  17. It's a tough call. I have wondered about changing mine (currently standard) but I can't really decide what to do with it!
  18. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    sorry but NO :dizzy:
    Bowen likes this.
  19. DSC00379_zpsjabyaxgv.jpg


    Bowen, sunnylunn and Mikeyjp like this.
  20. LMAO, love the pic :smiley:
  21. I have had the Plastikote on the go this morning :tongueout:

    Pyper and Nigelo like this.
  22. That's better! :smiley:
  23. Yeah looks a lot better like that!
  24. Just a quick update, a few decent shots now it has had time to settle




  25. Cooksports looks so nice! :hearteyes:
    Mikeyjp likes this.
  26. Well a quick thanks to Photobucket for ruining my project log :worried:
  27. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep

    how much are the asking to 'update' your account

    Flickr is so much better
  28. Monthly fee lol....
  29. quick "Test pic" have changed to Imgur

  30. Picked up a Ktec/Airtec intercooler for £300 unused :smiley:

    not a massive Ktec fan, so i resprayed it.


  31. Good buy, I was going to have it off the lad if he would of met me a bit closer!
  32. Yeah i got lucky, only 40mins away :smile: i was down for the grp buy, but this was a winner
  33. Car is booked in at Viezu for a "Before" power run, and then have the Airtec intercooler and Forge recirc valve fitted, and remapped, with "After" run :smiley:. Got to wait until the 21st :worried: :smiley:
  34. Sprayed the Spare engine cover i got, Went for Oyster Grey, I have got a R.S. sticker in the post waiting to go on.





  35. Car has been dropped off, will be longest wait ever
  36. Car is back :smiley: gained about 40bhp +

  37. Few pics of the intercooler fitted, and the lower lip sprayed and the black inserts under the DRL's



    massivewangers likes this.
  38. Looks good.
    Mikeyjp likes this.
  39. A couple of pics and Vid of it being mapped :smile:


    Last edited: Aug 23, 2017
    VW TT likes this.
  40. Just a quick update, been really happy with the remap so far, still surprises me how quick it pulls now, they moved the Rev limiter back a bit too which is a lot better and also gained a massive 0.5 MPG :smiley:

    and Viezu recently used the side on pic of my car for their get a free remap comp :smile: which got a lot of shares

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