megane rs-r

Discussion in 'Megane Discussion' started by chris, Mar 17, 2014.

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  1. Looks Like it's going ahead, streamline carbons Facebook page has gi en the game away.
  2. Nurburgring record on the way again???
  3. Good spot, also on autocars website.
  4. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    Only real thing different I can see is the front bumper though.
  5. Liquidf1

    Liquidf1 Forum Trader

    That article is about 4 years old. i remember on the other forum as people who had early 250's were saying how they were peed off as they always release special editions so soon.
  6. Ahhh right, I'll go back to sleep Ed :smiley:
  7. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    LOL I didn't notice that. Oh well.

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