Megane rs 250 uprated coil packs

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by richard.walters7, Oct 10, 2017.

  1. Hi all, I'm just wondering if there's any uprated 250 coil packs on the market?
  2. Not that i'm aware off but why would you need any?
  3. Exactly that.they arent needed dude.genuine renault are just fine.
  4. I need a new coil pack as ones started to brake down but I just wondered if there was uprated option instead of genuine ones
  5. How do you know it's started to break down?

    Normally if they fail they just fail 100%, so it's likely you have a problem elsewhere
  6. Under hard acceleration so under load it starts to miss fire. Common fault with coil packs if they are starting to brake down.
    Mikey4410 likes this.
  7. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Have you done plugs on it?

    The coils are pretty decent them tbf and its normally plugs that cause the misfire, Freshly gapped plugs always sorts any issues i have
  8. I'm with Jamie had the same problem and refreshed it all before hand. But second time around was just the plugs
  9. Yeah I've replaced the plugs twice already, and both times plugs have been capped correctly.
  10. What you gapping them too?
  11. Simple answer he isn't. Back to life dead thread

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