Megane RS 175 Register

Discussion in 'Megane Discussion' started by L-1011, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. *i thought I'd start this as they are appearing more and more on here and their is a register/database for all the rest.
    Mods please make it into a sticky if you feel appropriate.
  2. Ross L-1011, #30, ultra blue 3dr Lux, Glasgow
  3. Gavin.

    Gavin. RSM Admin

    Gavin #169 Ultra Blue 3dr Lux, Oldham (Manchester)
  4. Gavin.

    Gavin. RSM Admin

    Surely that forum hasn't got long left before it vanishes, the Facebook group is active but there's only the odd post a week on the actual forum.
  5. I dunno pal, but it could be copied over to here aslong as its done by someone who will constantly update it :smile:
  6. Sabin #???, black, Lux with Cup retrofit, LSD, GT1856 hybrid, plenty of software mods

    Can someone help me finding the #??? of my car?

    Thank you,

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