Megane Recaro Seat Subframes

Discussion in 'Car Parts For Sale' started by Luke., Feb 10, 2015.

  1. Anyone after some of these? Be perfect for those who want to lower their seats.

    £50 collected..

    Delivery maybe possible..

  2. Pics to 07740191337
  3. you close to filton luke ???? I work at airbus/gkn , so could meet you there on sunday for collection
  4. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    Yh he works in Filton.
  5. hahahaha whats the chances of that lol, funny how ive not seen his meg, only other one ive seen there is a red one will
  6. Sorry just read this as I am on nights. Yeh I work in Filton, I don't drive the Meg daily and it's currently in the garage having some nice upgrade fitted. So that might be why you haven't seen it. I can meet Sunday if you want. PM me your number.

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