Hi all, my ignition coil plugs have crumbled and there’s only the wired left. Would anyone know where I could buy the plug which clips into the coil pack. Or is going to a renault dealer the only option? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ignition...196538&hash=item1a3497297d:g:3tgAAOSw~l1Z5ip4 or single https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ignition...164615&hash=item1a139dcee9:g:PzMAAOSwYxBZ5ipH
What he said above. My clips broke x2 on my r26.....went on the ebay and bought a cut loom with four fresh female plugs and removed my old broken ones and fitted new ones. From memory was £14 delivered. Cheap as to fix is correctly !!!