Megane 3 spoiler lips (earlier models)

Discussion in 'Group Buys' started by Ryan herbert, Apr 3, 2019.

  1. Right, so i recently sent an email over to maxton designs regarding the earlier megane 3's with the older style spoilers and the fact that there is no lip/extension that is a straight fit, ive had a reply stating if there was enough interest then its something they'd pass on to head office to consider. Unfortunately they havent really stated what sort of numbers they would need and whether it'd be likely but thought it would be worth just gauging interest and firing an email back, obviously maxton ship worldwide so if there are any other groups in different countries you could share this to and get back to me that would be great!
  2. You could try posting it on the Oz forms, they have to import quite a bit of stuff
    DOOOOK likes this.
  3. I would be interested in this.
  4. Unfortunately there wasn't enough demand at the time of enquiring
    tc3ntro likes this.
  5. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Did you ask on the FB groups?

    What sort of numbers were needed?
  6. Yeah i asked in the groups, only got 10, the person i was emailing was a bit poor to be honest, basically said if i could prove there was a demand then she'd forward it on to head office, but she wouldnt give me a rough idea regarding how many people would be considered interest
  7. Only thing i could think of that may help get it noticed is instead of me emailing saying i have 10 people interested, could be worth everyone emailing them separately at the same sort of time, could appear to be the 'demand' they need
  8. Agree with Ryan above but also think your contact is probably not the right person she doesn't seem interested. Most companies like this are always looking to expand products
  9. I think like you said, you need to find out what their idea of numbers interested is, but I think you are wasting your time, give how unpopular these cars are, and the Maxton spoiler is a bit of a desired taste, which is going to limit your numbers even more

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