Megane 265 rocker cover leak

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Danny Danger, Aug 9, 2018.

  1. I changed the spark plugs maybe 2 month ago and it had a slight oil patch. Thought it was maybe just spilled oil. Was looking over the car today and noticed its looking worse. It looks like oils coming up through one of the bolts. Can you seal that bolt or is it a full reseal of the gasket.

    100_0963.JPG 100_0964.JPG
  2. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep

    you can seal the bolt, use loctite gasket or similar underneath the head of the bolt then torque is back up

    do it one by one though
  3. I've got some clear high temp gasket sealant, would that do. Now I've wiped the oil I think it's just that one bolt and it's been weeping downwards
  4. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep

    yeah im sure that will be fine

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