250 Megane 250 double beep from dial area

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by Gavin., Mar 15, 2017.

  1. Gavin.

    Gavin. RSM Admin

    Just been driving up the the parents and three times over a ten minute drive this very low volume multi-tone double beep came from the dial area, no warnings and I pretty much had to turn the radio off to hear it properly.

    Any ideas?
  2. Shift warning?
  3. Gavin.

    Gavin. RSM Admin

    No, no where near that high up, I was granny shifting.

    I'll plug the clip in if i hear it again, see if anything comes up.
  4. This could just be a coincidence but the other week I broke one of my abs sensors when fitting coilovers. I replaced it with a new sensor from Euro Car Parts but wasn't the exact one for the Megane, the mounting tab was in a different position. Whilst this sensor was on I had the exact same low volume double beep. Replaced with the right sensor from rpd and I haven't heard it since. But I'd also be interested as to what it is or what causes it
    Gavin. likes this.
  5. Gavin.

    Gavin. RSM Admin

    I'll get the clip plugged in at weekend, where's the odb port on the mk3?
  6. Centre console where the aux/USB is, just above there's a plastic cover you can pop out
  7. Gavin.

    Gavin. RSM Admin

    Excellent, i'll let you know what comes up.
    Matt likes this.
  8. i have about given up getting mine off :worried:, even watched a utube vid, and he makes it so easy, but mine wont budge lol
  9. Don't be afraid mate, 2 clips hold it in and it needs a proper good tug [emoji23]
  10. Gavin.

    Gavin. RSM Admin

    Is it the small panel above the USB panel or behind the actual USB panel?
    Nigelo and Gavin. like this.
  12. Gavin.

    Gavin. RSM Admin

    Excellent, cheers!
  13. Gavin.

    Gavin. RSM Admin

    On another note it's not done it since, very odd. I'll keep my eye on it
  14. Gavin.

    Gavin. RSM Admin

    I *may* have sussed what this was, my dad was in earlier and didn't have his seatbelt on quick enough before I set off, the beginning of the warning beep sounded very similar. I'm wondering if my laptop bag on the passenger seat is just on the weight of causing it to think someones sat there.

    I cant think of anything else.
  15. You could put a peanut on your seat and it would set that stupid sensor off, i had some shopping rolling about on mine one day, it kept going off and stopping, then going off lol
  16. That could make sense with mine going off to be fair as I have bucket seats in and all the dash lights relating to seats are on

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