Megane 250 Breaking 24K Miles

Discussion in 'Car Parts For Sale' started by windle`, Apr 4, 2017.

  1. anti roll bar gone sorry

    haven't got the spring seats sorry
    Sam@NP likes this.
  2. X2 torx bolts which are roughly 20cm in length. Pretty long so stand out from a lot of others.

    X1 15 or 16mm bolt which is roughly 6/7cm in length.

    Sorry for bad dimensions but can't get them from Renault as they "don't have the information"...dicks!

    Or if anyone knows, they could help out? Cheers
  3. Pmd you mate.

    Sent from my FRD-L09 using Tapatalk
    windle` likes this.
  4. Mirror landed bud, thanks very much, works a treat :smile: so glad you'd it well wrapped in bubble wrap as courier decided to "set" it over a 6ft fence :blush:
  5. lol nothing new there! I go through allot of bubble wrap!
  6. Do you have the front bumper?
  7. Can you let me know whats going on with the front blade and gear stick please
  8. I have the front bumper but its shashed up. have the blade but its marked in places not mint from memory. gearstick had gone with cables sorry mate
  9. updated original posts and some more bits here:

    LSD Gearbox again 24k so very good! £600




    Rear EBC blue stuff pads a week old again so like new.




    open to reasonable offers on all parts
  10. Seats ??
  11. all seats sold sorry
  12. Ok thanks for the reply
    -Jamie- likes this.
  13. Passenger side driveshaft?
  14. think its gone, have one side left but think from memory its the drivers side. but will double check tonight
  15. Brilliant, it’s the short shaft. If you could let me know that would be great
  16. Gearbox still available?
  17. its the wrong side sorry mate!

    gearbox has gone also sorry.

    think I only have a bonnet drivers side driveshaft and hub left these days. most things have gone
  18. Is the drivers side hub complete and in good condition?
  19. Hi mate,

    Just wanted to know if you have the bit of trim just above the glove box for sale? Mine is all scratched up so I would like a new one, please let me know and how much?

    Many thanks

    Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk
  20. Front brake discs?

  21. Rear boot mat available?
  22. Is the dash still available?
  23. Hi mate,
    Do you have any drive shafts for the megane 250
  24. i have a drivers one left i think?
  25. Hi mate i know it was this time last year but you dont still have the leather door cards do you?

  26. i don't sorry mate, think I ended up binning them couldn't shift them!
  27. By any chance have you still got the shell ? As after a lower corner where the wing bolts. Had mine driven into Monday. Cheers d19569675cb3067b95e9f24e66461fc5.jpg

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
  28. Hi mate. Do you have the boot matt by any chance?
  29. don't have shell sorry guys, only thing left now is a drivers side driveshaft I think
  30. Don’t suppose you would sell the heater knob, if you still have it?


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