Megane 225 Trophy Register

Discussion in 'Megane Discussion' started by Daz, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Daz




    Welcome to the Trophy register!

    Post your Trophy Numbers, Name and Location here!

    Copy and paste the previous reply and put your number in the relevant place - Thank you.

    No. 122 Alex - Liverpool

    No. 131 Tom - Oxford

    No. 143 Dan - Newbury

    No. 144 James - Nottingham

    No. 170 Craig - South Wales

    No. 178 Simonas - Wirral

    No. 183 Daz - Lancashire

    No. 198 Stevo C - Edinburgh

    No. 224 Psycho - Barcelona

    No. 253 Nick - Newton Abbot

    No. 295 Phillian - Birmingham

    No. 433 - Paul W.Sussex

    No. 434 SteBurns - Staffordshire

    No. 437 Nick - Poole, Dorset

    No. 440 Dead

    No. 483 Adam -Kent

    No. 488 Rob - Suffolk

    No. 490 Nathan - Loughborough

    No. 501 JamesW - Southampton

    No. 094 Trophyboy - Chester

    No. 107 Liam - Hampshire/Bordon
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2016
  2. Daz


    No.183 Daz - Lancashire
  3. No.183 Daz - Lancashire
    No.295 Phillian - Birmingham
  4. No.183 Daz - Lancashire

    No.295 Phillian - Birmingham

    No.131 Mick - Co Durham/Sunderland
  5. No.183 Daz - Lancashire

    No.295 Phillian - Birmingham

    No.131 Mick - Co Durham/Sunderland

    No.483 Chris - Bedford
  6. Daz


    No.131 Mick - Co Durham/Sunderland

    No.183 Daz - Lancashire

    No.295 Phillian - Birmingham

    No.483 Chris - Bedford
  7. No.253 Nick - Newton Abbot (anyone else this far south?)
  8. No.144 James - Nottingham
  9. No. 143 dan newbury
  10. Almost!

    No.437 Nick - Poole, Dorset
  11. Daz


    You untidy buggers!
  12. No.131 Mick - Co Durham/Sunderland

    No.143 Dan - Newbury

    No.144 James - Nottingham

    No.183 Daz - Lancashire

    No.253 Nick - Newton Abbot

    No.295 Phillian - Birmingham

    No.437 Nick - Poole, Dorset

    No.483 Chris - Bedford
  13. No.131 Mick - Co Durham/Sunderland

    No.143 Dan - Newbury

    No.144 James - Nottingham

    No.183 Daz - Lancashire

    No.253 Nick - Newton Abbot

    No.295 Phillian - Birmingham

    No.437 Nick - Poole, Dorset

    No.483 Chris - Bedford

    No. 4....something, I'll check when I get home - Alex - Surrey
  14. Evening all, new owner (well had it around a month now ) edition 440 in sunny surrey, weybridge
  15. No.486 Greg - Newport South Wales
  16. Bit of a sad up date , as of today number 440 is now dead,
    I was hit last week on a round about and just heard from the ins company it is beyond repair,
  17. nick number 295
  18. Daz


    No.131 Mick - Co Durham/Sunderland

    No.143 Dan - Newbury

    No.144 James - Nottingham

    No.183 Daz - Lancashire

    No.253 Nick - Newton Abbot

    No.295 Nick

    No.433 Alex - Surrey

    No.437 Nick - Poole, Dorset

    No.440 - DEAD

    No.483 Chris - Bedford

    Keep em coming lads!
  19. No.131 Mick - Co Durham/Sunderland

    No.143 Dan - Newbury

    No.144 James - Nottingham

    No.183 Daz - Lancashire

    No.253 Nick - Newton Abbot

    No.295 Nick

    No.433 Alex - Surrey

    No.437 Nick - Poole, Dorset

    No.440 - DEAD

    No.483 Chris - Bedford

    No.488 Rob - Suffolk

  20. No. 170 - Craig - South Wales

    Just bought it :smile:
  21. No.490 - Nathan - Loughborough
  22. No. 501 - BRY - Bristol(ish)
  23. No.131 Mick - Co Durham/Sunderland
    No.143 Dan - Newbury
    No.144 James - Nottingham
    No.183 Daz - Lancashire
    No.253 Nick - Newton Abbot
    No.295 Nick
    No.433 Alex - Surrey
    No.437 Nick - Poole, Dorset
    No.440 - DEAD
    No.483 Chris - Bedford
    No.488 Rob - Suffolk
    No.170 - Craig - South Wales
    No.122 - AlexGSi2000 - Liverpool
  24. No.131 Mick - Co Durham/Sunderland
    No.143 Dan - Newbury
    No.144 James - Nottingham
    No.183 Daz - Lancashire
    No.253 Nick - Newton Abbot
    No.295 Nick
    No.433 Alex - Surrey
    No.437 Nick - Poole, Dorset
    No.440 - DEAD
    No.483 Chris - Bedford
    No.488 Rob - Suffolk
    No.170 - Craig - South Wales
    No.122 - AlexGSi2000 - Liverpool
    No.434 - SteBurns - Staffordshire
  25. No.131 Mick - Co Durham/Sunderland
    No.143 Dan - Newbury
    No.144 James - Nottingham
    No.183 Daz - Lancashire
    No.253 Nick - Newton Abbot
    No.295 Nick
    No.433 Alex - Surrey
    No.437 Nick - Poole, Dorset
    No.440 - DEAD
    No.483 Chris - Bedford
    No.488 Rob - Suffolk
    No.170 - Craig - South Wales
    No.122 - AlexGSi2000 - Liverpool
    No.434 - SteBurns - Staffordshire
    No.224 - Psycho - Barcelona (Spain)
  26. No. 122 Alex - Liverpool

    No. 131 Mick - Co Durham/Sunderland (no longer the owner, sold to a nice lad called Chris)

    No. 143 Dan - Newbury

    No. 144 James - Nottingham

    No. 170 Craig - South Wales

    No. 183 Daz - Lancashire

    No. 224 Psycho - Barcelona

    No. 253 Nick - Newton Abbot

    No. 295 Phillian - Birmingham

    No. 437 Nick - Poole, Dorset

    No. 440 Dead

    No. 434 SteBurns - Staffordshire

    No. 483 Chris - Bedford

    No. 488 Rob - Suffolk

    No. 490 Nathan - Loughborough

    No. 501 BRY - Bristol

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2015
  27. no 178 Wirral

    bought it today
  28. No 198 Edinburgh

    Bought it last Friday from Manchester.
  29. Ive had #501 for around 6 months now and so have updated the list along with the last few entries..

    No. 122 Alex - Liverpool

    No. 131 Mick - Co Durham/Sunderland (no longer the owner, sold to a nice lad called Chris)

    No. 143 Dan - Newbury

    No. 144 James - Nottingham

    No. 170 Craig - South Wales

    No. 178 Simonas - Wirral

    No. 183 Daz - Lancashire

    No. 198 Stevo C - Edinburgh

    No. 224 Psycho - Barcelona

    No. 253 Nick - Newton Abbot

    No. 295 Phillian - Birmingham

    No. 437 Nick - Poole, Dorset

    No. 440 Dead

    No. 434 SteBurns - Staffordshire

    No. 483 Chris - Bedford

    No. 488 Rob - Suffolk

    No. 490 Nathan - Loughborough

    No. 501 JamesW - Southampton
  30. No. 122 Alex - Liverpool

    No. 131 Tom - Oxford

    No. 143 Dan - Newbury

    No. 144 James - Nottingham

    No. 170 Craig - South Wales

    No. 178 Simonas - Wirral

    No. 183 Daz - Lancashire

    No. 198 Stevo C - Edinburgh

    No. 224 Psycho - Barcelona

    No. 253 Nick - Newton Abbot

    No. 295 Phillian - Birmingham

    No. 437 Nick - Poole, Dorset

    No. 440 Dead

    No. 434 SteBurns - Staffordshire

    No. 483 Chris - Bedford

    No. 488 Rob - Suffolk

    No. 490 Nathan - Loughborough

    No. 501 JamesW - Southampton
  31. #433 - Paul W.Sussex (taken over from Alex 225)
  32. No. 122 Alex - Liverpool

    No. 131 Tom - Oxford

    No. 143 Dan - Newbury

    No. 144 James - Nottingham

    No. 170 Craig - South Wales

    No. 178 Simonas - Wirral

    No. 183 Daz - Lancashire

    No. 198 Stevo C - Edinburgh

    No. 224 Psycho - Barcelona

    No. 253 Nick - Newton Abbot

    No. 295 Phillian - Birmingham

    No. 433 - Paul W.Sussex

    No. 434 SteBurns - Staffordshire

    No. 437 Nick - Poole, Dorset

    No. 440 Dead

    No. 483 Adam - Kent

    No. 488 Rob - Suffolk

    No. 490 Nathan - Loughborough

    No. 501 JamesW - Southampton
  33. Is there anyway of finding out what number your trophy was??

    OBD port cover was missing from mine and found a small section of the original build plaque underneath the rear seats.

    All I can see is MEGA then TRO followed by No but can't see anymore than that.

    Pain in the arse as I want some number plates made with the build number on them.

    First registered in Dundee.

    Last edited: Apr 27, 2016
  34. Daz


    I'd have thought if you contact Renault with the chassis number they would have a list somewhere - plenty of chaps have managed to find out their 175's build no this way.
  35. Cheers Daz. Just been into Renault and there sending my card details to a specialist who can look through the archives and find out what I need to know. Said I'd here something back in a few days.
  36. Oh hai :cool:
  37. Trophy bros. Need a picture of the original and current together.
  38. Daz


    Why would you want a new one ruining the picture? :smile:
  39. Well just heard back from Renault and here's what they said.

    Thank you for contacting Renault.
    I have just heard back from our archives specialist in France and this is the info he has sent me.
    I can confirm there where 159 of the 225 Trophy versions made and delivered to the UK and yours was No 94.
    Kind regards
    Hannah Harvey
    Customer Relations Consultant
    Renault UK
  40. That's cool. Will they sell you a plaque though? Funny how randomly they seem to have been assigned to the UK market and not all grouped together for LHD judging by the build numbers.

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