Megane 225 Leather front seats + cloth rear bench

Discussion in 'Car Parts For Sale' started by matt e, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep

    Megane 225 Leather front seats + cloth rear bench

    good condition, collection only (graveley, hertfordshire)




  2. if you were closer id snap these up :worried:
  3. Please send me a pic of the drivers bolster if good I'll take these ASAP
  4. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep


  5. I'll take them bud PM'd
  6. Markblack@MRS

    Markblack@MRS RSM Trader

    Not trying to steal his limelight but I also have a set of these for sale
  7. Did these sell?
  8. I bought them bud. But do have my old set two full leather fronts. Not damaged just worn.
  9. Hi, I'm after a passenger leather seat. Do u want to sell one or two leather seat?
  10. Hi, are these still for sale, ill take them asap if so, facelift leather fronts

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