Megane 225 Driver and passenger side air vents removal help

Discussion in 'Megane Discussion' started by JDC, Dec 12, 2024.

  1. JDC


    Hi all, I’ve been trying to find information on how to remove side air vents on my Megane 225. Manual also doesnt show how to remove.

    It seems like noone in this big wide world has removed these cents before ‍
    When I look at photos of the vent clips, its seems to bee quite deep for me to pry it out. There has to be some sort of technique or method to get them out.

    please please if anyone can share some light. Its quite frustrating as I cant get sucha simple vent out.

    any assistance is appreciated.

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  3. JDC


    I did and got one repsonse saying that I need to pry them out, which I figured. When I stick the pry tool in tho, I cant seem to get to any clips. I need instructions with a tiny bit more detail before I break something surely cant be that hard to get a side air vents out. Making me feel kind of dumb
    Thanks for the reply tho. Feeling some love at least

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