Megane 2 headlights blew on startup

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by coetseejj.rd, Jun 18, 2018.

  1. Started the car this morning, it's currently winter here but around - 2°.

    On starting the rpm did the quick rise to 1800rpm, I saw the headlights go on against the wall and then die. Climbed out and the mains and park lights are out.

    Checked the fuse tray in the glove compartment but I don't see a headlight fuse there.

    Anyone ever had this issue and is there a headlight fuse? Just want to check fuse before pulling the bulbs cause they are so conveniently located you all know haha.

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  2. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    the headlights are individually fused and so are the side lights (i think) the fuses are in the unit beside the battery, so i would say it not going to be a fuse as that means you have blown 3 maybe 4 fuses.

    Do the high beams work ????
  3. I forgot to check the high beams. Will check and let ya know.

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  4. High beams still work. Gonna pop out the bulb tonight and see if it went or not. Just so strange usually they go one at a time and not both at once :worried:

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  5. Turns out it was just the bulbs that blew. The entire coil part of the globe was severed at the pieces just before the coil.

    New bulbs in, but gonna turn lights off before startup from now on.

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