Meg 225 gear link rods broken off / easy fix?

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by rob, Jul 24, 2016.

  1. rob


    Hey folks, had my gear linkage brake off / disconnect at gear stick end on a meg 225 ph1, just wondering how easy to fix on axle stands & if needs exhaust dropping etc? will prob just get taken to garage if PITA to sort on back, have all tools etc tho

  2. i had to drop the front section of my exhaust and remove a heat shield to get the gear lever mechanism out, it's a bit of a pain but can be done even on axle stands.
    rob likes this.
  3. rob


    ah thanks for reply! I had a go underneath this morn but was on a bad road for it with traffic so ended up gettin toe to garage.. was your linkage connectors totally shot on yours or had they just slipped off? just wondering if i'm likely to need a whole new linkage.. I also got same year inferno as you by looks of profile pic, wondering if you've ever had to fix the clicking air flap on startup?
  4. I changed both cables because i accidentally broke the plastic bits on the other end that hold them onto the mount on the gearbox when i removed my engine, the actually connections to the lever were fine :tongueout:

    Both ends of the cables are the same type though, and the little coloured plastic clips are terrible, both of mine were in bits on the gearbox end and long overdue being replaced anyway!

    I'm not sure what you mean by clicking airflap ? :tongueout:
  5. rob


    thats good to know, mine died on track so think may just be over enthusiastic shiftings disconnected cables at stick end, it's flopping all over shop but still seems connected on gear box end.. annoyingly was about only part I hadn't replaced & was gonna get short shift next :worried:

    I think the clickings the air recirc flap thats broken but buggd if i can find it to see whats goin on!

    just out of interest hav you got shims with standard r26 alloys? looks nice in profile pic
  6. Nope, they're Team Dynamics Monza R with the wrong offset (don't know what the offset is, i ordered them with the right offset but they came wrong and i liked em anyway :smile:)

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