Looking good bro, Cage isn't as extreme as i thought it was gonna be. Also, How much camber does the rear have> Looks loads in that photo
Yer Jamie I could have gone nuts with the cage but I didn't want to remove or cut the panels so this was oerfect for me, still built to msa spec and somewhere perfect for my harnesses. Camber is only 0.9 degs stock but I've ordered camber shims for 1.5 rear
Matt can I ask your opinions on going Forged engine and bigger turbos towards a 400-500bhp build. Worth it or pointless on the Megane for generally tracking? as I know you had the White one previously.
I knew the first owner of it who actually had it built, He said if he ever had a Megane again he wouldn't bother with the big power build and just stick a Hybrid and injectors on it so take from that what you will
As Jamie said. I get a lot of people ask me why I didn't keep the forged one amd simple fact was I didn't enjoy it as much as the red car, I don't think they need all that power and as Jamie said a hybrid is pretty much all you'd ever need in a megane
Ring up RSR and ask about the camber at the rear... I looked at that but basically was told it's pointless Plus if you drive it on the road, you don't really want a load of camber... Could see you have some interesting moments on greasy roads Awesome car. Like the mini cage, looks sorted for harnesses
I'm going to be testing an A pillar boost gauge holder for Diamond-performance so I'll do a little write up on this once it's In etc
Let me know if you can't find the wires you need. I was searching for hours trying to find the live ignition wire haha Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
Cars having a little work done atm but had 3 degrees of camber on the front and turn in is now ridiculous. Also got new harnesses
Looks great. I love those harnesses too. You're tyre wear is gonna be crazy haha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Be interested to know if you're quicker on track with that much camber at front - any in the rear? If they're Schroth Enduro harnesses then they're the only ones I would ever buy. Good choice
Yes will be interesting but easy enough to change worst case. Car is hardly driven daily now so tyre wear not an issue
Guess its a trade off as more -ve camber should reduce the straight ahead grip slightly (for acceleration purposes) but better cornering grip? It really livens up the front of a car - I had an e92 BMW and it was one of the best changes I made to it.
Depends if you can roll on to the tyre sufficiently ... Obviously camber is there so that when cornering forces are high, the tyre is in optimum contact with the ground Usually, significant front camber is matched with some at the rear Looking forward to hearing more once Matt's tracked it!
Yer cars not been on track like this yet so I can't comment but initial turn in feels a lot better. It's one of the things trial and error
Sometimes too much camber is bad though. I have to readjust my Rallye as its maxed out on camber and it hops all over the place with diff too! I hope those scroth harnesses weren't too expensive or the haters will start hatin'![emoji14] they look very nice dude. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I fucked up and got the 6 point ones that are hans only, although I've read on many forums they are fine to run I've bought 4 point ones now so selling the 6 point. I get accused a lot for stuff I do to this car by many people and moaned at for photo whoring but facts are this is my car and every penny I've spent on it (which is a fair few) has been done based on what I've wanted. Enkei nt03 one of my all time favourite wheels now had joy of 2 sets. Recaro pole position is my favourite ever seat. CAE shifter I've wanted since I had my mini like 5 years ago Takata harnesses (although not being used now) something I've always wanted as big jap fan I've toyed and have actually been currently toying about selling the megane and buy something cheaper to smash around track but I can't do it, corny as it sounds I fucking love this car.
Whore the photos as much as you want mate...all good, and I personally look for the pics about what you've added. Thats what this forum is all about. Looking at what can be done and wanting it bad yourself. Without this, the forum would just be about advice on brake pads and the best tyres to run on track, road and 5" of snow.
Too right, what you choose to do with your car and your life is entirely up to you. It's not affecting anyone else and they don't have to read your threads I appreciate the information sharing, as I'm sure others do, as it is always easier to do something when you know it's been done before Not sure what being HANS compatible has to do with anything? That's a new one on me. I always prefer 6pt to 4pt There is no cheap car to smash around on track that also doubles up as a nice car to drive. Even Porsches need to be regularly serviced if you're going to track them a lot and that doesn't come cheap, let alone the initial purchase cost What I find frustrating at the moment is the small things that I don't know about as I haven't owned the car long enough and not many people seem to push their cars that far Eg turbo bolts coming loose. Annoying, something that stops you driving the car until fixed. Still awaiting some Stage8 bolts, which will hopefully solve that Wheels - I have Pro Race 1.2 for road and at the rear they need 5mm spacers but not at the front. How does that work?! Now am concerned the fronts aren't in properly but I can't tighten them any further. Need to look into that My car is also definitely pulling to the left, and under load it jerks slightly as the torque kicks in - but always the same way. Probably something bust but won't know for sure what... Got new suspension going in tomorrow so will ask them to take a look Engine limits - still not sure what they are so am thinking forged, but that brings about a whole other world of pain Clutch - not sure what to do there. Probably need an uprated one if I add more power but don't want the aggro of more stress on engine and other bits by going SMF, or the ball ache of driving with a ceramic or carbon clutch Brakes - not sure what the best setup is. I cooked the performance friction .13 compound on track and am not impressed with pedal feel. Will have to play around with other options Then by the time you add it all you, you think you should have bought a GT3
Neil my team dynamics needed a 5mm spacer on rear it was really odd. Yer I've come the the conclusion no matter what I choose it won't be cheap and tbh what these meganes can do for the money is ridiculous. Anyway got hybrid turbo to go on and few other tweeks, she's also getting front end respray along with clear wrap and she will be done for a while
Also hans harnesses can be run run just the taper to a 2" strap on the shoulders but only cost me £90 so that's I want for them
Sounds good mate So given you owned a built engine Megane, why did you sell it and are now going hybrid etc? Curious as to what the other car didn't do for you... Cuz looking at built engine. Did it have reliability issues or was a pig to drive with uprated clutch etc?
I think it's great your explore different options and break the mould, try things that haven't been attempted or done. Always been a way with me and previous cars, and yes sometimes I've changed things which haven't had the desired effect or even had adverse effects but thats what tuning and modifications are all about. Nothing more satisfying about doing something that hasn't been done, then others following the trend. Or people saying don't do that then you reaping the rewards by taking that chance. I remember years back (about 12... eek) Ibiza Cupra I had, said to people I was going to cut for the front bar and get Forge to make me a one-off FMIC for the car people said it would look crap, would cost a fortune and wouldn't see any real worthwhile gains. Anyway went ahead with it all. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v79/Andymgzr/8pmsat.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v79/Andymgzr/FMIBFMIC.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v79/Andymgzr/afterforge.jpg Years on watched as everyone started buying Forge FMIC and cutting the bars out the front as the scene turned into the whole 'Euro' look smooth lines etc, I was like... bitch I was doing this 5 years ahead of time. Same as air suspension I did that in 2003 on an MG ZR simply because no-one else ever had and went and stuck 19" wheels on when back in 2003 if you had 17" wheels on a hatch back they were massive. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v79/Andymgzr/Photobucket1.jpg Keep doing what your doing!!! Car looks amazing, it's used and abused as it should be with no expense spared and more importantly enjoyed and cherished. That what cars should be about and its' great that a car you can buy used for £10k can bring as much enjoyment than cars worth 10 times that amount. Now you've had the CAE shifter for a while would you recommend it as in terms of where I've taken mine both performance wise and visually I'm almost where I want to be bar now final tweaks, my existing gear knob is perished after 2500 miles around the Alps with sweaty hands and rather than spend £100 on a RS one if the CAE is worthwhile might be more viable to chuck the first £100 towards that.
Neil the big turbo megane for me was too laggy and apparently had syncros build, that along with single mass fly wheel and paddle clutch wasn't rewarding. I think with some money spent on it and maybe an updated map it would have been better. Was fast as hell and I never had any issues with it but something about my red car that I love. Hybrid seems the best way to have that extra top end punch without the risk of killing the characteristics of the car. Andy the cae for me is more about the driver feel and experience then anything. Just feels "right" and Is one of my favourite mods on any car I've ever had
Cheers, I'll look to get one ordered then. Not sure the best / cheapest place. Might wait for next time KTec do a discount weekend and grab one as in no rush but if I save £70 then happy days. I tested the short shifter and to be honest it didn't do anything for me, in fact I couldn't even notice much difference in the throw at all but thought I'd ask on the CAE front, they certainly look the part.
Very kind offer buddy i'm going to be away for a few weeks now anyway I'll probably just bite the bullet. Looking at them I'm yet to find anyone who has gone the CAE route be disappointed on any car not just the Megane. If by chance I don't like it I'm sure I'll have no issue selling it on.