250 Mégane 250 - Sport mode

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by M250RS, Nov 21, 2019.

  1. Hi guys,

    Hoping to be joining you in RS ownership in the near future.

    Does anyone know what function the sport button provides on a non-RS monitor 250?

  2. Throttle response improves, revs slightly higher on idle, and just feels much quicker
  3. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Changes the throttle map and ESP is a bit more relaxed are the main things
  4. Thanks for the replies guys.

    Is the standard "non-RS Monitor" throttle map the same as the Linear map with the RS Monitor? If so I think it's not on my must-have list, at least for a 250 which doesn't gain any power in sport mode.
  5. I thought the same but then got the RS monitor retrofitted and love it. I also like you can change the alarm for the shift point as I'm slow as f... changing gear :laughing:. I think it was 150 quid including the screen but then had to get the frame that goes around it.

    It's one of those, not really necessary but gives it a different vibe in my opinion.
  6. Also snow mode for winter is handy
  7. Charlie Howard

    Charlie Howard RSM Club Member

    If it's mapped does the sport button then give more power and the normal mode remains stock? I would assume mappers would put the car in sport before mapping
  8. And you can’t run on the dyno in normal mode due to t/c
  9. You can have the map on both modes, personally I would not waste my time only having it mapped to RS mode

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