Hi guys, Hoping to be joining you in RS ownership in the near future. Does anyone know what function the sport button provides on a non-RS monitor 250? Cheers
Thanks for the replies guys. Is the standard "non-RS Monitor" throttle map the same as the Linear map with the RS Monitor? If so I think it's not on my must-have list, at least for a 250 which doesn't gain any power in sport mode.
I thought the same but then got the RS monitor retrofitted and love it. I also like you can change the alarm for the shift point as I'm slow as f... changing gear . I think it was 150 quid including the screen but then had to get the frame that goes around it. It's one of those, not really necessary but gives it a different vibe in my opinion.
If it's mapped does the sport button then give more power and the normal mode remains stock? I would assume mappers would put the car in sport before mapping
You can have the map on both modes, personally I would not waste my time only having it mapped to RS mode